Bremen Fireside Chats Marine and Climate Sciences

This format was abandoned in 2019, due to a lack of demand.

... a cooperation between the graduate programmes


The idea of this event series...

… is to introduce a variety of different job perspectives for marine and climate scientists outside academia.

We invite people who have a background in marine and/or climate sciences in their widest sense and who are now successful working in fields other than academia. These can be people with a position in industry, but also consultants, entrepreneurs, people writing for science journals or working in science museums and similar.
The event takes place after work and outside the workplace to foster a more informal atmosphere.

Depending on their background, affiliation and position, the invited speakers are asked to give a short (30 mins max) overview about their job, the career steps they took to get this position and which qualifications (esp. transferable skills) are required for this job.

The participants get the chance to ask questions and have an informal discussion with the speaker while enjoying some nice food and drinks next to a fireside.
The term “Fireside chat” refers to an informal meeting with a relatively small group of people who gather to talk about a specific topic in a friendly atmosphere (such as, for example, next to a fireside). The term goes back to a series of thirty-one evening radio addresses given by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt between 1933 and 1944.

Location and time

Location: Bremer Presseclub
Day: Third Tuesday of the month (from October to March)
Time: 18.00
Duration: approx. 2 hrs.
Participants: 12 (members of GLOMAR or POLMAR will be given preference)
Fee: 10 € (includes a drink and some snacks; 5 € for unemployed);


To register for one of the fireside chats, please fill in the registration form.

Please note that in order to complete your registration, you need to pay the fee in the GLOMAR or POLMAR offices before the event.

Any questions regarding the Kamingespräche can be directed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] or to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].

Fireside Chats 2018 / 2019

Date Speaker Current profession / affiliation
16.10.2018 Dr. Carmen Friese
cancelled due to low demand
Re­search Sci­ent­ist at Bundes­an­stalt für Ma­ter­i­alforschung und -prü­fung (BAM), Ber­lin
20.11.2018 Dr. Söhnke Rathmann
MARUM alumnus
Testfield Engineer at Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH, Bremen
22.01.2019 Dr. Nicole Höher
AWI alumna
Scientific Consultant (wissenschaftliche Referentin) at Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum Bremerhaven
19.02.2019 Dr. Connie Walther
AWI alumna
cancelled due to low demand
Meteorologist at the Flyable Weather Consultancy / Geoinformation Services at Bundeswehr (Deutsche Marine)
26.03.2019 Dr. Sebastian Hammerschmidt
MARUM / GLOMAR alumnus
cancelled due to low demand
Pro­ject leader at FG Kalk & Mör­tel e.V., Co­logne (Federal Association of the German Lime Industry)

Fireside Chats 2017 / 2018

Date Speaker Background Current profession / affiliation
17.10.2017 Dr. Luisa Cristini
(GLOMAR / AWI alumna)
Physics /
Climate Sciences
Science project manager at Al­fred We­gener In­sti­tute, Helm­holtz Cen­ter for Po­lar and Mar­ine Re­search (AWI), Bremer­haven
21.11.2017 Claudia Kühne
(Univ. Bremen alumna)
Geology Permanent Representative Hanse (Northern Germany). Diplomatic Council (UN-accredited Diplomacy )

Nike Fuchs
(POLMAR / AWI alumna)

Biology Event manager at WAB - Windenergie Agentur Bremerhaven
13.03.2018 Dr. Ulrich Alt-Epping
(Univ. Bremen alumnus)
Geology Geologist at Wintershall, Barnstorf (Germany's largest oil and gas producer)

Fireside Chats 2016 / 2017

Date Speaker Background Current profession / affiliation
18.10.2016 Tim Schröder* biology, marine physics freelance science journalist
15.11.2016 Dr. Eva Philipp
(AWI alumna)
biology Project manager, Onshore & Offshore Wind Projects, Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH
17.01.2017 Dr. Antje Stahl
(POLMAR / AWI alumna)
marine microbiology Postdoctoral Research Associate at Intertek Food Services GmbH
21.02.2017 Dr. Olaf Heilmayer
(AWI alumnus)
biology Science manager / Head of Unit for Multilateral Cooperation and Monitoring, Department for European and International Cooperation (Internationales Büro – DLR Projektträger / BMBF)
21.03.2017 Dr. Ralph Engbrodt
(AWI alumnus)
chemistry Director Quality Management and Regulatory Affairs, Freudenberg Medical, Hemoteq AG

*: this fireside chat will be held in German. Tim Schröder publishes most of his articles in German and his expertise is about the German media landscape

Fireside Chats 2015 / 2016

Date Speaker Background Current profession / affiliation
20.10.2015 Dr. Oliver Ritzmann
(AWI alumnus)
geophysicist Project manager at Wintershall (Germany's largest oil and gas producer)
17.11.2015 Sanja Asendorf
(MARUM / GLOMAR alumna)
environmental scientist Application specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific (laboratory supply)
19.01.2016 Tim Schröder* biologist freelance science journalist
22.03.2016 Dr. Angelika Dummermuth biologist science management, head of directorate's office at AWI, Bremerhaven

*: this fireside chat will be held in German. Tim Schröder publishes most of his articles in German and his expertise is about the German media landscape


Fireside Chats 2014 / 2015

Date Speaker Background
Current profession / affiliation
21.10.2014 Tim Schröder* biologist freelance science journalist
18.11.2014 Dr. Dennis Fink
(MPI/MarMic alumnus)
marine biologist Co-founder / CEO mediomix GmbH (science communication)
20.01.2015 Dr. Astrid Löwe
(AWI alumna)
chemist Team manager R&D at Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA

Dr. Tobias Wolff
(MARUM alumnus)

geologist Universum Science Center Bremen - Exhibition and Operations
17.03.2015 Dr. Rebecca Störmer
(AWI/POLMAR alumna)
marine biologist freelance biologist; founder sustainable me (environmental education)

*: this fireside chat will be held in German. Tim Schröder publishes most of his articles in German and his expertise is about the German media landscape


Fireside Chats 2013 / 2014

Current profession / affiliation
02.10.2013 Dr. Claudia Hanfland marine scientist (geology, oceanography) science management / coordination POLMAR graduate school
04.12.2013 Ingunn Nilssen marine biologist Principal Researcher, Environmental Technology, Statoil ASA
08.01.2014 Tim Schröder biologist freelance science journalist
05.02.2014 Dr. Ulrich Alt-Epping geologist Wintershall