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Dr. Nicole Höher

Dr. Nicole Höher studied Biotechnology (BSc) and Applied Marine Science (MSc). In her Master’s thesis she studied the biological effects of ship paint on mussels. Her further specialization on (eco)toxicology followed at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute where she examined the biological effects of anthropogenic pollutants on mussels in the Baltic Sea (PhD thesis).

Before starting the job the German Maritime Museum (Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum), she worked at a German Federal Institute, at a German flight and space company as well as a freelancer. At the museum, she works within a project that aims to increase the knowledge transfer of the German Research Museums. She coordinates and plans a participatory event series (“Orte des Dialogs”) as well as smaller outreach events. She is part of the communication team at the German Maritime Museum.

Nicole Höher