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Research Training

Professional and Personal Development

MARUM supports you as a researcher in acquiring the knowledge and skills you need for your ongoing research, to enable you to achieve your personal goals, and to prepare and qualify you for possible further career steps.

We offer well-established discipline-specific research training, as well as core methods and skills training that provides the transferable and employability skills necessary for a career in academia or a leading position elsewhere. Tailored to your indivdual needs as a researcher and member of staff, we offer personal councelling, mentoring and coaching.

Fields of professional and personal development include

  • Expert knowledge
  • Research methods
  • Computing & data science
  • Research communication
  • Research impact / public engagement
  • Research integrity / good scientific practice
  • Communication and leadership skills
  • Personal effectiveness and well-being
  • Career strategies
collage of professional development activities

Our offers are based on your needs and demand!

We invite you to suggest topics or events at any time of the year. Please feel welcome to contact us via [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].

You can have a look at the list of potential topics but you are also welcome to bring in your own ideas.

Top­ics can be ad­dressed in short 1-hour sem­inars or talks, in half-day work­shops or, if more time is needed, in 2-day work­shops. The events can be split­ted into sev­eral days over sev­eral weeks and they can be held on­line or in per­son. We are flex­ible!

You are wel­come to con­tact us via [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].

Would you like to teach a course to your peers?

You are welcome to do so! We support you with the organisation.

Gain teaching experience

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Get a teaching certificate

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