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Dr. Claudia Hanfland

Born in the sunny summer of ‘69, Claudia enjoyed her childhood in the Black Forest. She then grew up in Brussels, Southern Germany and Paris. She studied geology and oceanography at the Universities of Tübingen and Edinburgh and moved to the German North Sea coast to follow a PhD in marine sciences at the Alfred Wegener Institute. Since then, she has been working with naturally occurring radioactive isotopes as marine tracers in the field of climate change and has taken over a position in postgraduate education in 2009. Related to her work, Claudia has spent almost a year on scientific research vessels, sailing to both the Arctic and Antarctic, the Baltic, North and Black Seas. She is now one of two coordinators within the Graduate School POLMAR and will talk about the transition from science to science management.

Claudia has two children aged 6 and 7. Promoting young women in science and giving a good example how job and family can be combined, is one of her motivation for her job.
Time permitting, she loves mountaineering, cycling and travelling.
Claudia Hanfland