Dr. Eva Philipp

Dr. Eva Philipp joined the Vattenfall Windenergy department in 2012 as a marine biologist. Within the position as the Environmental lead she is developing the Environmental strategy for Vattenfall's Onshore and Offshore projects in the five core countries Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark and Uk.

With a background in Marine Biology and a study at University of Kiel, she joined the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) in 1999 for her Diploma Thesis about UV induced oxidative stress on polar marine invertebrates in Arctic coastal areas at Spitsbergen. After graduation she worked as a guest scientist at the Australian Institute of Marine Sciences (AIMS) in Townsville before returning to the AWI for four years of doctoral research focusing on the ageing process of marine bivalves from polar and temperate areas and the connection to oxidative stress. Her research time at AWI was accompanied by several expeditions to the research stations Koldewey on Spitsbergen and Jubany in the Arctic.

After finishing the PhD Thesis she stayed for 2 more years at the AWI within a post-doctoral position and then went to Kiel University for a five year period of post-doctoral research within the Cluster of Excellence “The Future Ocean”. In Kiel she was part of the Marine Medicine group in the Institute for Clinical Molecular Biology at the University Hospital Schleswig Holstein, investigating the ageing process and immune system structure and responses in marine mussels in a truly interdisciplinary approach. During these years she helped to develop the postdoc network IMAP and acted as one of the two initial co-speakers.
In 2012 Eva Philipp decided to re-route her career path from the science realm to the private sector and started working as an offshore wind project manager in environmental assessment. In 2015 she stepped up to the position as team lead for Onshore and Offshore Wind Environmental Strategy in an international setting.

Eva likes to encourage researchers from every career phase to be open to following different career paths since the skills you acquire during your education and research are valuable tools for most jobs. It´s always worth to look beyond your horizon!