Ingunn Nilssen

Ingunn Nilssen is working as a principal researcher in environmental technology at Statoil’s research center in Trondheim, Norway.

Ingunn is Cand. Scient. (MSC) in marine biology from the university of Oslo, Norway. After finalising her studies she worked for the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority for 7 years with executive work related to the petroleum industry. Her fields of work covered subject such as discharge permits, national and international legislation, produced water related issues, environmental monitoring and foreign aid programmes.

For the last 9 years Ingunn has been working for the Norwegian oil company Statoil where she, among other things, has been the Coordinator of the Research & Development (R&D) activities related to environmental monitoring. She has also hold a position in the Health, Service and Environment (HSE) staff for Production and Development, Norway where she worked with chemical related issues and questions related to environmental monitoring. Further, she led the environmental group under the Norwegian Deep water Programme for several years. Ingunn is presently a member the advisory board for the EU project FixO3 on ocean observatories.

Through her whole carrier Ingunn has been working with environmental monitoring related issues. At present her main focus is on how we can optimise the use of all the data gathered and how to interpret these for efficient and reliable decision making. This is also the focus of the industrial PhD she presently is doing as part of Statoil’s Integrated Environmental Monitoring project.
Ingunn Nilssen