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Dr. Carmen Friese

Dr. Carmen Friese studied geosciences with a focus on marine geosciences at the University of Bremen. She wrote her master thesis at the AWI (Alfred-Wegener-Institut) in Bremerhaven about paleoenvironmental variations during the Last Interglacial in the Arctic Ocean. During her Ph.D. she was employed at MARUM - Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen. Her Ph.D. thesis deals with a study of modern Saharan dust collected onshore and offshore the Northwest African margin.

Afterwards, Dr. Carmen Friese got employed at the Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und prüfung (BAM) in Berlin as a research scientist with expertise in aerosol sciences. Her main tasks include the organization, management and execution of two field campaigns. The aim of the campaigns is to demonstrate the field capability of mobile XRF analysis by studying air pollution (aerosol) samples directly on site.

Carmen Friese