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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Courses and Trainings


Dennis Schreiber

Three day course "SEM-based automated mineralogy"

Münster, Germany

20 - 22 February 2024


Joely Maak

Summer School "Field-based research course"

Milos, Greece

14 - 24 October 2023


Isabel Lange

2023 NordVulk Summer School

Reykjavík, Iceland

27 August - 01 September 2023


Lol Dahlet

Cli­mE­co8 Sum­mer School

Koper, Slovenia

19 - 24 June 2023


Isabel Lange

Basic training for the MAPEX ProCon X-ray computed micro-tomorgraphy system CT-ALPHA

Bremen, Germany

24 -25 April & 7 June 2023


Andrés Castillo Llarena

Karthaus Summer School on Ice Sheets and Glaciers in the Climate System

Karthaus, Italy

23 May to 2 June 2023


Selma Mezger

Essex Summer School for Transferable Skills

University of Essex, Colchester, UK

22 to 26 August 2022


Janina Groninga

Geobiology training course

California Institute of Technology (CALTECH), USA

12 June to 19 July 2022


Nina-Marie Lešić

Glaciology Excursion

Vernagtferner, Austria

6 to 13 July 2022


Jewel Das

Summer school at Radboud University, NL

27 June to 1 July 2022


Sofía Afoncheva

"The Sur­viv­or's Guide to Stable Iso­tope Eco­logy IV"
online course

12 - 16 April 2021



Rifki Furqan

Q-methodology online course, Erasmus Rotterdam University, NL

10 - 17 February 2021


Corinna Oster

PhD Success Lab

offered online by Tress Academic

July - October 2020


Ben Nagel

In­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary Meth­ods for So­cial-Eco­lo­gical Sys­tems Sci­ence - online course, University of Maine, USA

19 May – 21 July 2020


Nadine Gerlach

2nd CCP4/BGU Workshop on Advanced Methods for Macromolecular Structure Determination, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Beer-Sheva, Israel

23 ...


Giovanni Sanna

7th edition of the course ‘Geometric Morphometrics in R’, Capellades, in the Barcelona province, Spain

20 to 24 January 2020


Corinna Oster

29th Basic Course in Climate Time Series Analysis, Heckenbeck, Bad Gandersheim, Germany

2 to 6 December 2019


Nele Behrendt

HOTMUD Workshop on Mud Volcanism and Petroleum Systems

12 to 16 September 2019


Mechthild Doll

HOTMUD Workshop on Mud Volcanism and Petroleum Systems

12 to 16 September 2019


Seth Mensah Abobi

5th Edition of the Training Course Modelling Aquatic Ecosystems with Ecopath, Ecosim and Ecospace

22 to 26 October 2018


Gökce Masur

FDSE Summer School 2018 on Fluid Dynamics of Sustainability and the Environment

27 August to 7 September 2018


Mirco Wölfelschneider

de.NBI Summer School on "Riding the Data Life Cycle"

3 to 7 September 2018


Qingzeng Zhu

EOBIOLOGY 2018 - An International Training Course in a Rapidly Evolving Field, California

12 June to 15 July 2018


Nadine Gerlach

Summer Course Glycosciences - 15th European Training Course on Carbohydrates

24 to 28 June 2018


Mirco Wölfelschneider

de.NBI Winter School on Conputational Metabolomics

5 to 8 March 2018


Nora Schulze

Workshop on 'Active Tectonics and the Earthquake Cycle', at the University of Potsdam, Golm

9 to 11 October 2017


Elmar Albers

EGU Summer School on Structural Analysis of Crystalline Rocks, in Bruneck, South Tyrol, Italy

25 to 31 August 2017


Gökce Masur

Summer School on Ocean Waves and Abyssal Flow, at Börno Station, Sweden

July 30 to August 12 2017


Julia Oelker

Summer School on Ocean Optics, Darling Marine Center of the University of Maine, USA

July 10 to August 5 2017


Levy Otwoma

Workshop on the Diversity of the Indo-Pacific Network

Stellenbosch, South Africa

25-30 June 2017


Hadar Elyashiv

Course “Distinct-Element Numerical Analysis using PFC”

Écully, France

6-8 June 2017


Luise Heinrich

Course “Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): From Theory to Practical Application”

London, UK

27-28 March 2017


Charlotte Breitkreuz

Work­shop “Emer­ging Ap­plic­a­tions of Data As­sim­il­a­tions in the Geosciences”

Leiden, the Neth­er­lands

13-17 March 2017


Stefan Partelow

“Interdisciplinary PhD Course on Marine and Coastal Sustainability”


27 February - 5 March 2017


Rebecca Borges

Work­shop “Fisheries Workshop - Tropical fisheries in a changing world”

Bremen, Germany

7-9 February 2017


Deborah Tangunan

Basic Course in Climate Time Series Analysis

Heckenbeck, Germany

8 - 12 August 2016


Holger Kühnhold

Summer School on Development Policy

Bonn, Germany

1 - 12 August 2016


Rebecca Borges

Blue Solutions/GIZ

Bonn, Germany

May - July 2016


Amanda Ford

Field Campaign


August 2015 - April 2016


Janne Rohe

STEPS Summer School "Pathways to sustainability"


16 - 27 May 2016


Kim Vane

Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIAR, SIBER and MixSIAR course

Loch Lomond, Scotland

11 - 15 January 2016


Célia Santos

NESSC PhD course “Molecular Organic Biogeochemistry”

Texel, Netherlands

2 – 6 November 2015


Eunmi Park

NESSC PhD course “Molecular Organic Biogeochemistry”

Texel, Netherlands

2 – 6 November 2015


Lennart van Maldegem

2015 Agouron International Geobiology Course

Catalina Island, USA

19 June – 22 July 2015


Vera Meyer

Urbino Summer School in Paleoclimatology
15 July – 1 August 2015 +

Thomas Lorscheid

Global and Regional Sea Level Variability and Change Workshop

Mallorca, Spain

10 – 12 June 2015


Muhammad Yusuf Awaluddin

GESEP School

Bonn, Germany

4 – 5 March 2015


Catarina Dinis Cavaleiro

Advanced Course on Applied Paleoclimate Time Series Analysis

Heckenbeck, Germany

9 – 13 February 2015


Lena Steinmann

International Workshop/Course on Collapse Calderas

Taupo, New Zealand

5 - 11 December 2014


Ulisse Cardini

International Course in Microbial Ecology

Venice, Italy

6 - 10 October 2014


Maya Bode

Summer School on Computational Molecular Analysis

Wilhelmshaven, Germany

29 September – 3 October 2014


Amanda Ford

Highland Statistics Course

Banff, Canada

22 – 26 September 2014


Sara Miñarro

University of the Aegean Summer School on Big Data Analysis in Earth Sciences

Rhodes, Greece

7 – 11 July 2014


Gabriela Weber de Morais

IPSA-USP Summer School on Methods and Concepts in Political Science and International Relations
Sao Paulo, Brazil
3 – 14 February 2014 +

Ines Stuhldreier

postgraduate course in Light and Photosynthesis on Coral Reefs

Puerto Morelos, Mexico

20 January – 8 February 2014


Roger Spranz

Bahasa Indonesian Language Course


October - December 2013


Nadine Goldenstein

PhD course in Aquatic Microbial Molecular Ecology at SDU

Odense, Denmark

3 - 23 August 2013


Sebastian Hoetzel

Pollen and Spore Master Class

Utrecht, The Netherlands

8 – 12 July 2013


Katja Hockun

PhD course on Molecular Organic Biogeochemistry at NIOZ

Texel, Netherlands

24 - 28 September 2012


Astrid Contreras Rosales

PhD course on Molecular Organic Biogeochemistry at NIOZ

Texel, Netherlands

24 - 28 September 2012


Anna-Maria Hubert

Oxford Summer School on Geoengineering Research

Oxford, UK

19 - 25 August 2012


Anna-Maria Hubert

IFLOS Summer Academy on the Law of the Sea and Maritime Law

Hamburg, Germany

21 July - 16 August 2012


Xiting Liu

Urbino Summer School in Paleoclimatology

Urbino, Italy

16 - 31 July 2012


Benjamin Baasch

Giambiagi Winter School

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

16 - 20 July 2012


Christiane Schmidt

Expert workshop on the Culturing of Living Foraminifera

Yokosuka and Okinawa, Japan

15 - 21 July 2012


Katja Hockun

DARWIN Summer School on Biogeosciences

Nyenrode and Texel, Netherlands

1 - 13 July 2012


Guangchao Zhuang

DARWIN Summer School on Biogeosciences

Nyenrode and Texel, Netherlands

1 - 13 July 2012


Junhui Xing

DGG/EAGE Workshop

Hamburg, Germany

9 March 2012


Zsuzsanna Tóth

Course on the seismic interpretation software AVOPAK

London, UK

13 - 14 July 2011


Rike Zimmermann

Eawag Summer School 2011 on “Sediments as archives of environmental change”

Kastanienbaum, Switzerland,

4 -15 July 2011


Anna Fricke

Training Workshop PRIMER v6

Plymouth, UK

2-6 November 2009


Mahmudual Islam

Synthesis meeting of a research project entitled “Unravelling the Vicious Circle: Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Livelihoods in Small-scale ...


James Collins

8th NCCR Climate Summer School

Grindelwald, Switzerland

30 August - 4 September 2009


Martin Lukas

European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR): Summer School in Methods and Techniques

Ljubljana, Slovenia

29 July - 15 August 2009


Wiebke Krämer

Course on Light and Photosynthesis on Coral Reefs

Unidad Academica in Puerto Morelos, México

19 January - 7 February 2009


Luisa Cristini

7th International NCCR Climate Summer School "Key challenges in climate variability and change"

Ticino, Switzerland

31 August - 5 September 2008


Nick Rackebrandt

5th Urbino Summer School in Paleoclimatology – Past ClimateReconstruction and Modeling Techniques

Urbino, Italy

14 July - 4 August 2008


Anna Fricke

Short course in Tropical Field Phycology

Bocas del Toro, Panama

9-23 July 2008


Annika Förster

Report about mentoring DAAD intership student

Richard Ellis

2 June - 4 August 2008


Katharina Jantzen

PhD intensive course on The Economics of Fisheries Management

Portsmouth, UK

16-27 July 2007
