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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Muhammad Yusuf Awaluddin

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Muhammad Yusuf Awaluddin about his participation in the German Scientific Earth Probing Consortium School, Bonn, Germany, 4 – 5 March 2015

The GESEP (The German Scientific Earth Probing Consortium) School was held at the Steinmann Institute in Bonn, Germany from 4 to 5 March 2015. The school it self was in cooperation with the ICDP/IODP priority program and was held within the framework of the DFG colloquium IODP/ICDP. The idea behind this school is to provide a course on basics of planning and executing scintific drilling projects, sampling, downhole measurements, testing and monitoring, and project management for early career scientist. The topic of the course this year was "Pre-Drilling Activities: Site Survey, Permitting, Safety, Outreach and Funding".

About 30 young geoscientists (Ph.D. students, post-docs, master-students) have participated in this event. There were about 10 speakers from variaty institute and organisation. Several key topics have been raised during the school; Project planning and management (pre-site studies & drilling engineering), Data management, Sample handling and storage, Downhole logging and downhole seismic monitoring, and Project funding. All those lecture have enriched my knowledge in drilling procedure and in geoscience in general. Furthermore, networking with the experts and other participants in this field is also important achievement during this event.

Finally, I would like to thank The GESEP School and DFG for the financial support which allowed me to participate in the GESEP School 2015. I would also recommed this event especially for GLOMAR students.
course photo

Course photo (Photo: The GESEP School 2015)