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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Wiebke Krämer

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Wiebke Krämer about her participation in a course on Light and Photosynthesis on Coral Reefs at the Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Puerto Morelos, México, 19 January - 7 February 2009

The course Light and Photosynthesis on Coral Reefs was organized by the UNAM and the Centro de Investigación Científica y de Educación Superior de Ensenada (CISESE) and took place on the premises of the Unidad Academica in Puerto Morelos, México from January 19th to February 7th 2009.

Twenty scientists from all over the world (Australia, USA, Puerto Rico, Indonesia, Belgium, Spain, México and Germany) got together in Puerto Morelos in January 2009 to participate in the intense postgraduate course on coral reef photobiology.

The course incorporated a broad range of topics that are required to understand micro- to macroscale processes involved in the study of photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems and in particular on coral reefs. This is especially important due to the increasing number of bleaching events reported on a global scale and the need to find and understand the mechanisms associated with this phenomenon. Leading scientists in the field of photobiology (such as Dr. Roberto Iglesias-Prieto, Dr. Susana Enríquez, Dr. Eugenio R. Méndez and Dr. Mark Warner) presented an overview on the state of knowledge on the physiological and biochemical bases of photosynthesis as well as the regulating mechanisms. In practical classes we had the opportunity to make proper use of our knowledge by applying methods commonly used in photobiology (e.g. light measurements, Chlorophyll-PAM-fluorometry, characterization of different pigment complexes, low temperature spectrofluorometry of pigments). The result of the daily experiments were analyzed and discussed in the whole group. In addition, the daily seminar in which we presented our research projects and results allowed for numerous interesting discussions and exchange of ideas/suggestions in particular with the experts of photobiology.

In summary, the course enabled me to deepen my knowledge on photosynthesis and to exchange ideas and discuss current topics with other scientists in the same field of research. Based on this, I have many ideas for my upcoming experiments and my future work will definitely benefit from the participation in this course. The time in México was very inspiring and valuable for me. Therefore, I would like to thank GLOMAR for the funding and for providing me with this opportunity.