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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Isabel Lange

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Isabel Lange about her participation in the "Basic training for the MAPEX ProCon x-ray computed micro-tomography system CT-ALPHA" in Bremen on 24+25 April and on 7 June 2023

The basic training took place in the GEO building of the University of Bremen. So I didn’t have to travel somewhere and, instead, enjoyed the usual way to work along the Bürgerpark by bike. The course was held one-on-one by the lab manager for the X-ray computed micro-tomography (μCT) and 3D X-Ray Microscope instruments of the MAPEX, Center for Materials and Processes of the University of Bremen, Dr. Wolf-Achim Kahl, member of the working group of Prof. Lucio Colombi-Ciacchi.

We started with a general safety instruction for the μCT instrument. After getting familiar with the instrument and how to safely operate it, we mounted the sample and placed it at the right position with respect to the X-ray source and the detector. I learned how to use the softwares, so we could set the instrument up for calibration. When the instrument was calibrated, we started to test for the best measurement settings, since they depend on the properties of the individual sample. This procedure takes some time, as the detector needs to be calibrated after almost every adjustment of the measurement settings.

In the afternoon, we were ready to start the first measurement. Unfortunately, when we returned to check the status of the measurement in the evening, the filament was broken and the measurement was aborted. So, the next morning, the filament had to be replaced first before we were able to continue the course.
After some hours, the filament was replaced and we could start the measurement again, which turned out to be successful. Dr. Wolf-Achim Kahl taught me how to reconstruct the collected data for analysis. This includes several steps of corrections, for example for slight movements of the detector or the sample during the measurement. On the 07th of June, I was able to repeat the entire procedure and successfully complete the course.

It was a very useful course and I am very happy, that I am able to conduct μCT measurements on my own now, which will greatly help me to become an independent scientist. Many thanks to Dr. Wolf-Achim Kahl for explaining everything so well and to GLOMAR for making my participation at the course possible.

Me mounting the first sample in the μCT instrument.
Me mounting the first sample in the μCT instrument.
Finalizing all settings for the first measurement.
Finalizing all settings for the first measurement.
Same for the second sample
Same for the second sample
reconstruction and 3D view of the second specimen.
reconstruction and 3D view of the second specimen.