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Bremen International Graduate School for Marine Sciences

Eunmi Park

Report of GLOMAR PhD student Eunmi Park about her participation in the NESSC PhD course “Molecular Organic Biogeochemistry”, Texel, Netherlands, 2 – 6 November 2015

On 1st of November 2015 I went to Texel/ the Netherlands in order to participate in Netherlands Earth System Science Center (NESSC) PhD course “Molecular Organic Biogeochemistry” organized by Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ).
This course lasted for 5 days (Monday morning thru Friday afternoon) and it was filled with not only theoretical topics in molecular organic biogeochemistry but also analytical techniques. The course was divided by three parts: lectures of various topics in the early mornings and afternoons, analytical training and data interpretations in the late mornings, and student presentations.

On Monday, the most advanced analytical techniques related with molecular organic biogeochemistry were explained and demonstrated. Based on that, we had a chance to discuss data analysis of 4 different techniques such as GC/MS, GCir-MS, LC/MS, and LC/MS-MS with experts in their fields. Besides, leading scientists in organic geochemistry fields gave us lectures about organic proxies, biomarker lipids and molecular phylogeny as well as stable isotopes.

I completely enjoyed the course, which was directly related to my research and strengthened my scientific knowledge. Mostly, it was very helpful to have new approaches on my work with the knowledge of molecular biology. Moreover, it was a great chance to build up the new network with the other international PhD students from different institutes. I also had a fruitful conversation with instructors who developed one of main lipid biomarker proxies that I am working on. That is why I highly recommend this course to PhD students who are interested in organic geochemistry world.

Finally, I feel that I am lucky to join this course in the end of my first year PhD project. I would like to thank GLOMAR for supporting me and therefore allowing me to gather information on the state of the art research and new ideas of how to proceed with my PhD project.