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INTERCOAST Exchange Student from Waikato

The New Zealand INTERCOAST student Zhi Liu (Cathy) from Waikato arrived in Bremen on October 2nd and will be staying until December 30th. Her project topic and preliminary thesis title is "Numerical Modelling of Sediment Transport around Tairua Estuary".
During her research stay, Cathy is developing a Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Model using the MIKE 21 software package in collaboration with Dr. Christian Winter to study a seiching event monitored on a field campaign that took place from July 27th to September 4th 2010 in the Tairua Estuary.

First INTERCOAST Annual Workshop

Around 30 delegations consist of 13 PhD students, 2 Postdocs, several Proponents and Associate Professors from the University of Bremen flew to New Zealand to attend The First Annual Workshop of the INTERCOAST Project on 9 to 18 February 2010. The kickoff workshop has successfully held at the University of Waikato campus in Hamilton and the Port of Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

Etnologist of the University of Bremen awarded:Dr. Silja Klepp’s research on refugee rights in the Mediterranean area was awarded the advancement award of the Research Academy Leipzig

„The European Union between border control and refugee safety. A geography of refugee rights in the Mediterranean sea” is the title of the recently awarded dissertation. In view of the disputed EU-external borders as well as the unclearly defined refugee rights at sea many victims have been among the refugees in the last years. The ethnologist has been working on this subject on a political and academic level for 10 years now. She spent many months in Italy, Malta and Libya researching for her dissertation under partly difficult conditions and interviewed the responsible persons locally in order to establish a clear picture of the situation in the Mediterranean area.

Firoz Badesab presented his research on 23rd Nov 2010 at Geophysik seminar at Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen

Geophysik seminar is held every Tuesday in the Department of Geosciences. It provides an opportunity for the researchers to present their work and discuss their ideas with faculty members in all field of geosciences.

Christopher Daly presented his research in ICCE in Shanghai, China

China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. It is home to the world’s largest deepwater port in the economic centre of Shanghai. Increasing levels of shipping activity, increased population growth at coastal cities and potential climate change scenarios means that coastal areas of China are under increasing stress. As such, the Chinese Ocean Engineering Society sought to host the 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) in Shanghai, China.

Dorothea Kohlmeier reports on her field work on the Island Sylt

As a baseline study I assessed photosynthesis of different seagrass meadows around the Wadden Sea island Sylt. The work was conducted this summer at the Wadden Sea Station of the Alfred-Wegener-Institute which provided me with lab space and logistics. The most abundant native marine macrophytes in the Wadden Sea are the seagrasses Zostera marina (Eelgrass) and Zostera noltii (Dwarf Eelgrass). While Z. noltii is growing intertidally Z. marina is considered an intertidal and subtidal species. Seagrass beds are ecologically especially relevant because they provide a habitat to other organisms, like juvenile fish. Due to the so-called wasting disease in the 1930’s the subtidal populations nearly all got extinct.

Firoz Badesab reports on sampling expedition at Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand

The first intercoast sampling expedition in Tauranga Harbour was coordinated and motivated by intercoast project IC8: Magnetic minerals as markers of coastal zone evolution. It was a joint operation involving PhD students from four different intercoast projects involving: Christopher Daly (IC1), Serena Fraccascia(IC3), Ruggero Capperucci (IC5) andFiroz Badesab(IC8).

INTERCOAST field trip at Bremerhaven

Bremerhaven and its harbour, at the mouth of the River Weser, are part of the Land of Bremen since 1827 when Johann Smidt, Major of Bremen, bought that piece of land from the King of Hannover, George IV. At that time, indeed, the silting up of the River Weser didn’t ensure a safe navigation up to the old port of Bremen.
Since then, the Bremerhaven harbour has become one of the main seaports of Germany, continuously increasing the import/export trade and upgrading the port structures and facilities.

Ruggero Capperucci in the 1st ICBM Summer School on Coastal Systems, Wilhelmshaven

Twelve students from 5 countries (Germany, Italy, England, Bangladesh and Zimbabwe) took part in the 1st International Summer School on Coastal Systems, arranged by the Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM) of the University of Oldenburg, from 15 to 27 August 2010. The School was hosted at the ICBM-Terramare Campus in Wilhelmshaven (Lower Saxony, Germany).

INTERCOAST Doctoral students marine research fieldwork in Tauranga Harbour

Doctoral students from the University of Bremen in Germany have been making the most of the Bay of Plenty’s recent spell of fine weather to begin mapping the seabed around the port. The students are part of the Intercoast Research Training Framework set up last year between the universities of Waikato and Bremen to bring international PhD students to New Zealand to focus on marine research in the Bay of Plenty. Similar research will be conducted around the North Sea in Germany, where Waikato doctoral students will travel later in the year.
More stories from The University of Waikato press is here.

In Memoriam Prof. Terry R. Healy

With great sadness we advise you that Terry Healy passed away on 20th July following a courageous battle with cancer. His funeral took place on the 23rd of July in Hamilton. Terry Healy was 66.