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Morphodynamic equilibria of coastal systems. Modelling the role of extreme events and average forcing (more IC1_II...)
Assessing environmental changes and risks using a regional coupled ocean-athmosphere-sediment model (more IC2_II...)
Anthropogenic impact on the development of coastal marine ecosystems through the last milleium: caring presumably high (German Bight) with low impact (Firth of Thames, NZ) regions (more IC3_II...)
Onshore and offshore in-situ and laboratroy soil characterization under time variant loading of near shore and shelf areas (more IC4_II...)
Trends of habitat patchiness in accoustic seafloor classification data (more IC5_II...)
Modelling the distribution of macrofauna species in the Jade Bay in response to environmental change (more IC6_II...)
Range expansion mechanisms in invasive seaweeds (more IC7_II...)
Intergrated electromagnetic, optical and acoustical imaging of coastal systems (more IC8_II...)
Initiation of motion: investigating sediment remobilization processes combining lab flume tank experiments, field measurement and numerical simulations (more IC9_II...)
Rate-dependent geotechnical testing in areas of marine bedforms and mass transport (more IC10_II...)
Environmental Compensation and Adaptive Management in Marine Environments - a Comparison of German and New Zealand Law (more IC11_II...)
Legal aspects of protecting high-value coastal areas (more IC12_II...)
'Managed retreat': Flood-related relocation and risk communication in New Zealand and Germany (more IC13_II...)
“IC28: Coastal sediment failure and mobilization from in-situ and lab characterization – hazard prediction, engineering use & management implications” (more IC4_II - IC28)