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INTERCOAST Learn and Lunch (IC L&L)

This is an informal bi-monthly meeting during lunch time where Ph D students have the opportunity to discuss and develop common language in key issues on the multidisciplinary coastal subjects. Small presentations and common literature studies will set the ground for further discussion during the 1.5 hours meeting. The presentation schedule was set up in a way to combine two small presentations from two Ph D students with different scientific background (natural and social science) to bring up discussions about specific topics such as extreme events, climate change, biodiversity, etc. The meetings are tentatively scheduled for every first and third Wednesday of each month.

INTERCOAST PhD student Colloquia

INTERCOAST PhD Colloquia are organized at least twice a year. These are half-a-day meetings for all INTERCOAST PhD students and research students, in which up to 4 PhD students present the latest update of their research. This meeting aims on motivating the PhD students to evaluate each other’s work in the form of discussion and an anonymous evaluation questionnaire about the topics/presentation. These colloquia provide a forum in which techniques, concepts, results, working hypotheses and further steps are discussed with PhD colleagues from the own field but also from other disciplines.


During 2 day workshops, the INTERCOAST PhD students work in groups to discuss and describe the criteria for and development of environmental impact assessments related to a particular topic. The aim of the workshop is to focus on an extra-curricular topic and to promote interdisciplinary discussions between students coming from the socio-political and natural sciences, as well as from the disciplines of law and economics.

INTERCOAST Coastal Marine Seminar Series (CMSS)

The Coastal Marine Seminar Series (CMSS) is a platform for students doing postgraduate research (i.e. final year MSc and PhD students) in the coastal, marine and estuarine environment to present their work to each other. The CMSS also aims to foster communication between biological and geological areas of research.
The idea is that all graduate students participate (at one point or another) whereby two students will give a short presentation about their work. In each session, one presenter will be from the biological sciences and the other from the geological sciences. This will be held fortnightly at the University of Waikato. There will also be special presentations from lecturers or visiting guests, though more infrequently.

Annual INTERCOAST Workshops

The annual IC workshops provide an opportunity for project leaders (supervisors) and PhD students alike to come together to reflect on past, present, and future research in the framework of the INTERCOAST programme.

Further INTERCOAST Activities