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Introduction to INTERCOAST and to coastal and shelf-sea settings in New Zealand

Around 30 delegations consist of 13 PhD students, 2 Postdocs, several Proponents and Associate Professors from the University of Bremen flew to New Zealand to attend The First Annual Workshop of the INTERCOAST Project on 9 to 18 February 2010. The kickoff workshop has successfully held at the University of Waikato campus in Hamilton and the Port of Tauranga in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.

The workshop started with the Maori’s traditional welcome ceremony called ‘Pōwhiri’ in the Hamilton campus, at Whareroa Marae in Mt Maunganui.
During the workshop, the keynote speakers from both universities, the Environment Bay of Plenty and Priority One delivered several important key issues of research opportunities and progress within the interdisciplinary framework, which includes the studies on impacts of harbour development to ecosystems, protection and utilisation of harbour and coastline, management of shared and migratory fish stocks, sediment studies and habitat dynamics, and opportunities for open ocean aquaculture.
Also, during the workshop, PhD students presented their preliminary research ideas and visited their research locations on the coastal area of the Bay of Plenty. This venue was meant for bringing on discussions on the more concrete plan of the research, study locations, methodology and fieldwork activities of the research between the newly young PhD students and their supervisors from both universities.

Invited Guests

  • John Cronin (Chairman, EBoP) and Bill Bayfield (CEO EBoP)
  • Prof Dr Peter Gluckman (Government's chief science advisor)
  • Andrew Cocker, Greg Simmons (Priority One)
  • Mark Cairns (CEO, Port of Tauranga)

Guest Speakers

Guest Speakers were invited to give key-note lectures to stimulate the scientific discussion. These presentations provided new insights into (research) projects dealing with aspects of coastal and shelf sea use and development.
Peter Singleton (Waikato Regional Council)Introduction into Environment Waikato
Raewyn Peart (Environmental Defence Society)Landscape preservation; coastal management & policy

Public lecture by INTERCOAST PIs

Held at the Environment Bay of Plenty (EBoP) & New Zealand Coastal Society (Tauranga 11th Feb 2010)
Katrin Huhn (Uni of Bremen)An introduction to the INTERCOAST partnership between the University of Waikato and Bremen
Michael Flitner (Uni of Bremen)Sustainability Research at the University of Bremen
All public lectures during all Workshops were fully booked.

Expert / Soft Skill courses

Greg Jenks (Dune Restoration Trust)Coastal dune restoration
Matiu Dickson (University of Waikato)Māori perspective of customary culture
Robert Makgill (principal in North South Law)Coastal policy, legal perspective in NZ
Wei Ye, Liza Storey (University of Waikato)Demonstration of climate scenario modelling
Roger Briggs (University of Waikato)Geology of Tauranga & the Bay of Plenty
Willem de Lange (University of Waikato)Coastal hydrodynamics in the Bay of Plenty