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Ruggero Capperucci in the 1st ICBM Summer School on Coastal Systems, Wilhelmshaven

Twelve students from 5 countries (Germany, Italy, England, Bangladesh and Zimbabwe) took part in the 1st International Summer School on Coastal Systems, arranged by the Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM) of the University of Oldenburg, from 15 to 27 August 2010. The School was hosted at the ICBM-Terramare Campus in Wilhelmshaven (Lower Saxony, Germany).

The aim of the Summer School was to offer a wide spectrum of the complex tidal system environment, from different approaches. The kickoff excursion around the Jade area gave the best introduction to the geomorphological evolution of the region by means of core samples, ecological observations and archaeological data.
The participants were guided into a very intensive multi-disciplinary program, including lectures, field-trips, on-board activities and lab works on different topics: sedimentological investigations, ecosystem modelling, microbiological processes, phytoplankton ecology, trace metal and nutrient dynamics, hydroacoustic applications, geophysical investigations etc. Besides, the attendants were invited to present their scientific curricula and projects.

I introduced my Intercoast research project, dealing with the impact of large port construction (Jade-Weser Port and Tauranga Harbour) on habitat dynamics. Due to the relevance of such a huge structure in this area, the topic raised questions and interest by the attendants.

The student’s different backgrounds allowed a profitable experience exchange: 5 reports have finally been presented by the participants during a conclusive “Lesson learned” session, summarizing the main results of the activities carried out during the school:

  • Phytoplankton dynamic and nutrients
  • Hydrodynamic of the Spiekeroog tidal system
  • Sedimentological and Microbiological analysis of a Janssand sand-bank core
  • Pore water geochemistry along a sand-bank transect, Janssand sample site
  • Time series analysis of Helgoland roads data and complex ecosystem modelling

There was also the possibility to join the group in some extra-time activity, such as a nice Spiekeroog trip or a visit to the Jade-Weser Port Info-centre.

I have found particularly stimulating the interaction with young scientists with totally different backgrounds from mine, experiencing the importance of establishing a good relationship network for a fruitful scientific growth.