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Welcome to MARUM!

We extend a warm welcome to you as a new colleague!

Starting a new job requires getting to know your new work place. With this welcome information we would like to provide you with some basic organisational information.

MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences is a research faculty (actually, the only one) of the University of Bremen. The acronym MARUM derives from its German name "Zentrum für Marine Umweltwissenschaften".

MARUM has five overarching goals:

  • To create an environment that enables top-level research in an international framework,
  • To promote the education of young scientists, specifically in an international research environment,
  • To develop/provide technologies and infrastructure for marine research in cooperation with industry,
  • To communicate scientific issues to the general public, and
  • To coordinate the university's high-profile area in "Marine, Polar and Climate Research" across all disciplines and faculties.

Accordingly, MARUM is much more than just the name of a building. It is in fact an umbrella structure for several large research projects. The most important one is the Cluster of Excellence ›The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface‹. In addition, a large number of research, technology and educational projects with various funding sources are operated through MARUM. Finally, MARUM hosts one of the three repositories for deep-sea cores of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), the Bremen Core Repository (BCR).

MARUM I (main building)
MARUM II (as seen from Wiener Strasse)
MARUM Pavillon
MARUM Pavillon

Getting started

Welcome Information for new staff

PhD students, Postdocs and guest scientists are recommended to meet with Tina Klose for a Welcome Chat. Tina is responsible for the Early Career Researcher Programme at MARUM and can provide lots of useful information for new staff.

Office keys to the MARUM building

If you need an office key, please contact Carmen Murken.

Entrance card to the MARUM building

If you need an entrance card (to be able to enter the building, e.g. on the weekend), please contact Martina Siemering.


MARUM postboxes are located in the MARUM I (main) building. Once you have entered the building through the two glass doors, the postboxes are located on the left hand side.
To get the number of your postbox and a key to open it, please contact Carmen Murken.

Telephone, doorplate

The telephone on the desk that has been assigned to you is connected to a (last) name which appears in the display when you call a colleague within the University. Your name is also shown on the doorplate outside your office. To update your telephone and the doorplate, please send an email to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

Office equipment

The leader of your working group or its secretary are responsible for providing you with the office equipment you may need.


Library Card

If you want to loan books from the University library (SuUB), you need to sign up and get a SuUB library card.
Information on how to proceed, can be found on the SuUB web page.

The University library (SuUB)

Canteens and Cafeterias

Mensa Uni Bremen
The main University mensa

There are several canteens (called "Mensa") and cafeterias on the campus. You will save money and avoid cues if you get a Mensa Card.

The Mensa card is available at the ServicePoint in the Main Mensa on the University Boulevard during lunch hours (11.30 - 14.00). If you are a (PhD) student, you need to bring your student identity card ("Immatrikulationsbescheinigung") and your passport. All other employees need to bring their employee service card ("Dienstausweis"). You need to leave a 5.00 EUR deposit to get a Mensa card.

Locations and menus of the different Mensas and cafeterias

MARUM e-mail account

People who have their office in MARUM and / or work in a project that is funded by MARUM are required to use a MARUM e-mail address. The latter consists of "the first letter of the first name followed by the last [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]" (e.g. [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]).
Accounts can be obtained from Carmen Murken.

Find your MARUM colleagues in the MARUM staff list


Computer / IT Support


Your basic IT equipment will be supplied by your supervisor or head of the working group. Each working group has assigned a contact person for providing IT support.

MARUM IT provides further information in the internal section of this website. To access it, you must log in to this website with your MARUM account or be in the MARUM internal network with your computer.

Further information (even without logging in) can be found on the page IT Support: First Steps.

MARUM Administration


With respect to administration affairs some firsthand help and important forms are provided at:

Due to legal implications some documents are available in German only. Please ask your colleagues for help if you have difficulties understanding the forms.

Mailing lists

There are some e-mail distributors (mailing lists) which provide you with all kinds of information regarding your daily business in MARUM and with announcements for events that might be of interest for you.

New employees are usually added automatically to one of the mailing lists. If you haven't received a note that you have been added to the relevant mailing lists, please contact the respective list administrator (you will find them by following the links given in the table below and scrolling down to the bottom of the page).

Mailing list Group sign up at
marum-info people working in MARUM and those who are associated with MARUM, e.g. project members or the MARUM advisory board
marum people working in the MARUM buildings*
marum-glomar-phds PhD students of MARUM, faculty 5 and in GLOMAR
marum-postdocs MARUM postdocs and research associates
MTV MARUM non-scientific staff

* this mailing list is used when e.g. someone lost their key in one of the MARUM buildings - this would be an information that is not relevant for people working in any other than the MARUM buildings

Corporate Identity

Corporate identity helps to make an institution more memorable, provide other scientists, employers, and funding bodies with a sense of stability/quality, differentiate the institution from others, and finally, helps to attract people and funding. Corporate identity also increases the (international) visibility of the individual scientists.

Corporate identity also includes regulations on providing reference to your affiliation in your publications.

Scientists who are affiliated with MARUM and/or its integrated Graduate School GLOMAR are expected to follow the corporate identity regulations of MARUM (see guidelines, provided under the link on the right)

Representation of interests

Each of the status groups PhD students, postdocs and non-scientific staff at MARUM have elected representatives to serve as a voice within the boards and committees.

If you have questions, suggestions or challenges to discuss, your representatives will be happy to help!


The MARUM Ombudsperson is a senior faculty member of the University who assists MARUM and GLOMAR scientists in addressing possible conflicts.

Specifically, she is the contact person for

  • Compliance with the rules of good scientific practice
  • PhD students and/or supervisors who experience conflicts in the graduate education

Support and resources

At MARUM, we care for a good work­ing en­vir­on­ment!

On this web page, you will find links to of­fers and re­sources you might find help­ful to im­prove your work ex­per­i­ence.


Further information

If you are missing information on this page, you are welcome to forward your feedback to Christina Klose (