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Ombudsperson / Rules of Good Scientific Practice


The MARUM Ombudsperson is a senior faculty member of the University who assists MARUM and GLOMAR scientists in addressing possible conflicts.

Specifically, she is the contact person for

  • Compliance with the rules of good scientific practice
  • PhD students and/or supervisors who experience conflicts in the graduate education
Prof. Dr. Rita Groß-Hardt

The rector of the University of Bremen appointed Prof. Dr. Rita Groß-Hardt as MARUM ombudsperson.

If you would like to make use of support to solve a conflict, you may make get in contact with Rita Groß-Hardt via e-mail: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].

Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Scientists and their co-workers are obliged to follow the rules of Good Scientific Practice and to behave in an exemplary manner. They are also obliged to train students and junior staff in the principles of Good Scientific Practice.

Rules of Good Scientific Practice
(German Research Foundation, DFG)

Order for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice
(University of Bremen, in German)

Scientific misconduct

In case you are experiencing or learn about scientific misconduct, you may can contact the MARUM ombudsperson.

Process Guideline for Good Scientific Practice (PDF; in German only)

(German Research Foundation, DFG; latest version 09.2018)

MARUM Research Data Policy

Cite as
Glöckner, Frank Oliver, Kucera, Michal, Pälike, Heiko, Zabel, Matthias, & Schulz, Michael. (2021). Research Data Policy at MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences of the University of Bremen (1.0). Zenodo.