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Women's representatives

Although the term "women's representatives" is defined by law (BremHG), the overaching goal of our activities is to advice and support all scientists and students at MARUM, as well as the director and decentralised commitees in the implementation of the legally fixed equal gender opportunities duty (BremHG).

The decentralised women's representatives are regularly elected by the MARUM women plenary meeting (last on 20.01.2022).


For organisational or adminstrative questions, please e-mail [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].

f.l.t.r. Julie Meilland (photo credit: Jens Lehmküler / U Bremen Research Alliance), Alice Lefebvre (photo credit: Jonas Ginter, WFB Bremen), Florence Schubotz (photo credit: Ha­rald Rehling)

Dr. Alice Lefebvre


+49 421 218-65680



GEO, 3330

External Profiles: 

Dr. Florence Schubotz


+49 421 218-65724


+49 421 218-65715



MARUM Pavillon

Our activities

  • involved in hiring and appeal procedures
  • access to all steering meetings, assemblies and committees
  • advisory service in discrimination experience - see MARUM Code of Conduct
  • contact point for more information on available assistance measures related to family issues
  • [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] network meetings
  • organisation of gender-related events
  • ...

Feel welcome to talk to us about any topic related to gender and family topics.

Current activities

We are looking to organise the next [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] network meeting. Let us know if you have a subject that you would like to suggest.

Hiring procedures

We are involved in all hiring procedures in order to ensure transparent and inclusive procedures. We work closely with the administration and the project leaders during the whole procedure. Furthermore, our role is defined by the University of Bremen (document below, in German)

Some useful websites:

Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CORA)
Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

Inclusive View of Scientific Impact
Davies et al. (2021) PLoS BIOLOGY

[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] network meetings

What is [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] network meeting? We wish to offer the opportunity for all MARUM female staff to meet and exchange information informally. For this, we organise meetings which take place approximately quarterly. Each meeting has a specific topic and room for free discussion. According to law (BremHG) we are only women’s representatives for the scientific MARUM staff. Nevertheless, we wish for a status-independent exchange. Thus, ALL MARUM female staff are cordially invited: technicians, administration and scientists (from PhD students to professors)!

Some of the topics that we discussed:

- Inappropriate behaviour and sexual aggressions at sea and during fieldwork
- Gender is a spectrum
- Gender pay gap and glass ceiling
- Positive communication
- Everyday sexism

Cups of coffee together

Equal Opportunity Measures

At MARUM promotion of gender equality and equal opportunity at all levels has been a central objective for many years. Find more information about Equal Opportunity Measures

We have also created a pregnancy checklist. It is available with the resources for families on the Family Support page.

A family

Gender-specific events

Screening of the film Picture a Scientist

Picture a Scientist

Links & Downloads