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Support and resources for MARUM staff

At MARUM, we care for a good working environment!

On this page, you will find links to offers and resources you might find helpful to improve your work experience.

All counselling offers are offered in German and English unless stated otherwise.

working environment

Early Career Researchers (ECR)

Contact person for early career researcher support at MARUM: Tina Klose
PhD representatives for PhD students in MARUM and GLOMAR
Postdoc representatives for MARUM Postdocs
Support center for all ECR at the University of Bremen: BYRD
Courses and Trainings for (ECR) staff at the University of Bremen: Personalentwicklung
Flexible childcare for ECR: Uni KLEX - Childcare fLEXible
"Emergency" (short term need of) childcare care: Die Notfallmamas
Funding Advisory Service for DFG, DAAD, EU and Alexander von Humboldt proposals
Central Research Development Fund (CRDF) of the University of Bremen - Calls
Ombudsperson to settle conflicts in respect to rules of good scientific practice and doctoral supervision: Prof. Dr. Rita Groß-Hardt

Physical and Mental Health

Sports offers through the University of Bremen: Association for University Sports
Counselling service for all University employees who have problems at work, private problems or health related problems: Internal Social Councelling Service
Psychological counselling for doctoral students offered through the Studierendenwerk Bremen
Counselling for people suffering an addiction / prevention of addiction: Arbeitsstelle Suchtprävention (counselling in German only)
List of all doctors and psychotherapists in Bremen and Bremerhaven (the list is in German but in the search engine, you can choose language needs)

International Researchers

Central Service Point for incoming international researchers before and during their stay: U Bremen Research Alliance Welcome Center
German language classes for colleagues from MARUM and MPI
Foreign language centre for employees of the Universities in Bremen (also for German classes): FZHB

Equal Opportunity

Equal opportunity unit at the University of Bremen: Referat 04 - Chancengleichheit
Advisory and Information Centre Against Discrimination & Violence: ADE
Representation of severly disabled people: SBV
Support measures for female scientists at MARUM
Women's representatives at MARUM
Flexible childcare for ECR: Uni KLEX - Childcare fLEXible
"Emergency" (short term need of) childcare care: Die Notfallmamas
Staff council (Representation of staff interests) at the University: Personalrat

Other resources

Foreign language centre for employees of the Universities in Bremen: FZHB
Overview of counselling services at the University of Bremen (already included on this web page)
List of sports clubs in Bremen (German web page, but many people in the sports clubs speak English)
Tickets for Werder Bremen: Official ticket sale, private sale (legal!)
There are many more ressources and support offers outside of the University in Bremen. You can always use the counselling services of MARUM / the University as a first point of contact and they will point out other offers to you, if needed.
Also talk to your colleagues! They can recommend further ressources such as sports clubs, social activities, other counselling services etc.

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