Regional Archives for Integrated iNvestigations

The RAiN project deals with interdisciplinary investigations of climate evolution and its dynamic in southern Africa during the Late Quaternary. For this purpose, existing data sets are completed by and compared with a wide range of new information, which will be gained from natural marine and continental sediment archives.

Indisputably the climate of southern Africa and thus the distribution and intensity of precipitation is mainly controlled by variations in the ocean currents around the Cape Agulhas as well as by the interplay between competing atmospheric circulation. Despite many already existing studies the relationships between the complex and mutual influences of these two factors are not yet sufficiently understood. Just at this point, the investigations in RAiN seek to expand the current knowledge. Only a comprehensive understanding of system relationsships allows reliable predictions of current and future climate change and as associated of the affected ecosystems. With the innovative approach of simultaneous studies of terrigenous and marine climate archives RAiN tries to make a significant contribution in this regard.

The collaborative project RAiN is embedded in the international research program SPACES (Science Partnership for the Assessment of Complex Earth System Processes). The first duration is three years (07/2013 – 06/2016). RAiN is structured in four scientific sub-projects (SP1-4) and a strong capacity building component (SP5) to gain sustainable cooperation and training of young scientists. The coordination of RAiN is based at the Marum. In May 2016 the follow-up project RAiN II was granted until June 2018.
Funded by
Ref. No. 03G0840A/B + 03G0862A/B
... integrated in

SP 5 - Capacity Building