... inside of SPACES

Investigations of terrestrial sediment deposits as archives to reconstruct paleoclimate conditions are also a main scientific objective in the collaborative SPACES initiative GeoArchives (Signals of Climate and Landscape Change preserved in Southern African GeoArchives), which is coordinated by the Technical University of Munich. While the works in RAIN are focussed on South Africa, in subproject 3 (Coastal lagoons and continental lake sediments – Holocene climate-ecosystem archives) of GeoArchives sampling is planned preferentially in Namibia and the northernmost part of South Africa. Due to the partially comparable scientific questions and the similar methodological and analytical approaches cooperation was agreed.

more about GeoArchives ...
Coordinator of GeoArchives

Jörg Völkel (TMU)

Contact Persons in SP3:

Achim Wehrmann
(Senckenberg am Meer)

Heinz Wilkes
(ICBM - CvO Univ. Oldenburg)

... outside of SPACES

Close copperation exists with the Maputaland Environmental Change Group on the reconstruction of high resolution records of past environmental changes in the Mfabeni Peatland in northern KwaZulu-Natal, one of Africa’s oldest and largest active peatlands.

more about the Maputaland Group ...
Project Leaders

Marc Humphries
(Univ. of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)

Jemmy Finch
(Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban)

Andrew Green
(Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban)
An arrangement of cooperation also exists with scientists from the Department of Geography at the University of Leicester (GB).
Cooperation partners

Andy Carr & Arnoud Boom
(University of Leicester)
Studies on the mineral composition of sediment samples taken during RAiN expeditions are carried out at the Laboratory for Provenance Studies at the University of Milano (Italy).
Cooperation partner

Sergio Andò
(University of Milano Bicocca)
A close cooperation exists with the research project 'CAUSAL', which is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) since 2015 and focuses on the reconstruction of the paleoenvironment and climate in the winter rainfall zone of South Africa. For this purpose, sediment cores are investigated, which have been recovered during a RAiN expedition in 2014 from the Verlorenvlei.
DFG-Project leader

Thomas Kasper
(Frirdrich-Schiller-Univ. Jena)
Paleomagnetic measurements in SP1 are conducted by Torsten Haberzettl in the labs of Prof. Dr. J. Stoner and Prof. Dr. G- St-Onge.
Cooperation partner

Joseph S. Stoner
(Oregon State University)

Guillaume St-Onge
(Université du Québec)