We are interested in transformations, fluxes, and cycles of elements in the ocean and investigate the diverse geochemical aspects that shape marine ecosystems.

We analyze the chemical composition of rocks, solid sediments, water column, pore fluids, and particles that trickle from the ocean's surface to the seabed.

We aim to shed light into the livelihood of microorganisms and their important role in element cycles of modern Earth, and we learn about palaeoenvironments from the chemical code that is stored in the record of marine sediments.

News & Updates

Nov/Dec 2022 as a member of the science party Martin participates in the post cruise meeting of the ECORD Expedition 386 "Japan Trench Paleoseismology" in Japan.

In September 2022, we published unique results to date from sub-seafloor sediments in three deep-sea trenches (doi:10.1029/2022GC010502)

June/July 2022 Antonia Witzleb participate on RV SONNE expedition SO292/2 (DEEP BLUE; characterization and monitoring of fluid/solid emissions from serpentinite mud volcanoes in the Mariana forearc)




MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
University of Bremen
Inorganic Geochemistry Laboratory
PBox 330440
28334 Bremen

Shipping Address

Silvana Pape
MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences
University of Bremen
Inorganic Geochemistry Laboratory
Leobener Strasse
28334 Bremen

Lab and Office Location

University of Bremen
NW2 C-Block, 2nd Floor
Leobener Strasse
28359 Bremen