Publications (peer-rev.)

Burdanowitz, N.; Dupont, L.; Schefuß, E.; Zabel, M. (2018). Holocene hydrologic and vegetation developments in the Orange River catchment (South Africa) and their controls. The Holocene 1-13.

Hahn, A., Vogel, H., Andó, S., Garzanti, E., Kuhn, G., Lantzsch, H., Zabel, M. (2018). Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to determine mineral phases in sediments. Sedimentary Geology. doi:

Quick, L., Chase, B.M., Wündsch, M., Kirsten, K.L., Chevalier, M., Haberzettl, T., Mäusbacher, R., Meadows M.E. (2018) A high-resolution record of Holocene climate and vegetation dynamics from the southern Cape coast of South Africa: pol­len and microcharcoal evid­ence from Eilandvlei, Journal Of Quaternary Science.

Kirsten. K,L., Haberzettl, T., Wündsch, M., Frenzel, P., Meschner, S., Smit, A.J., Quick, L.J., Mäusbacher, R., Meadows, M.E: (2018) A multiproxy study of the ocean-atmospheric forcing and the impact of sea-level changes on the southern Cape coast, South Africa during the Holocene. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology.

Granger, R., Meadows, M., Hahn, A., Stuut, J.B., Herrmann, N., Zabel, M., Schefuß, E: (2018) Coupling between late Holocene sea-surface temperature and terrestrial hydrology in southwestern Africa. The Holocene.

Hahn, A., Schefuß, E., Andó, S., Hayley, C., Frenzel, P., Kugel, M., Meschner, S., Mollenhauer, G., Zabel, M. (2017) Linking catchment hydrology and oceanic circulation in Late Holocene southern­most Africa. Climate of the Past 13(6), 649-665.

Herrmann, N., Boom, A., Carr, A., Chase, B., West, A., Zabel, M., Schefuß, E. (2017) Hy­dro­gen isotope fractiontion of leaf wax n-alkanes in southern African soils. Organic Geochemistry. 109: 1-13.

Haberzettl T, Baade J, Compton J, Daut G, Dupont L, Finch J, Frenzel P, Green A, Hahn A, Hebbeln D, Helmschrot J, Humphries M, Kasper T, Kirsten KL, Mäusbacher R, Meadows ME, Meschner S, Quick LJ, Schefuß E, Wündsch M, Zabel M: Paleoenvironmental investigations using a combination of terrestrial and marine sediments from South Africa - The RAIN (Regional Archives for Integrated iNvestigations) approach. (2016). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Teil I, Heft 1, 55-73.

Granger R, Meadows M, Schefuß E, Compton J, Hahn A. Late Holocene variations in Benguela SST, vegetation and hydrology in southwest Africa. (2016). Quaternary International. 2016;404:202.

Hahn A, Compton J, Kirsten KL, Lucassen F, Meyer-Jacob C, Schefuß E, Zabel M: Holocene paleo-climatic record from the South African Namaqualand mudbelt: a source to sink approach. (2016). Quaternary International, DOI:10.1016/j.quaint.2015.10.017.

Herrmann N, Boom A, Carr AS, Chase BM, Granger R, Hahn A, Zabel M, Schefuß E: Sources, transport and deposition of terrestrial organic material: a case study from southwestern Africa. (2016). Quaternary Science Reviews 149: 215-229

Strachan KL, Finch JM, Hill TR, Barnett RL, Morris CD, Frenzel P: Environmental controls on the distribution of salt-marsh foraminifera from the southern coastline of South Africa. (2016). Journal of Biogeography 43(5): 887-898, DOI: 10.1111/jbi.12698.

Pretorius L, Green A, Cooper A. Submerged shoreline preservation and ravinement during rapid postglacial sea-level rise and subsequent “slowstand”. (2016) Geological Society of America Bulletin. 128 (7-8):1059-69.

Wündsch M, Haberzettl T, Kirsten KL, Kasper T, Zabel M, Dietze E, Baade J, Daut G, Meschner S, Meadows ME, Mäusbacher R: Sea level and climate change at the southern Cape coast, South Africa, during the past 4.2 kyr. (2016). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 446: 295-307

Wündsch M, Haberzettl T, Meadows M, Kirsten K, Kasper T, Baade J, Daut G, Stoner J, Mäusbacher R: The impact of changing reservoir effects on a 14C chronology for a Holocene sediment record from South Africa. (2016). Quaternary Geochronology 36:148-160.

Zhao, X., Dupont, L., Meadows, ME., Wefer, G., 2016. Pollen distribution in the marine surface sediments of the mudbelt along the west coast of South Africa. (2016). Quaternary International, 404 (44-56),

Zhao X, Dupont L, Schefuß E, Meadows ME, Hahn A, Wefer G: Holocene vegetation and climate variability in the winter and summer rainfall zones of South Africa. (2016). The Holocene 26, 843-857, DOI: 10.1177/0959683615622544.

Manuskripte in rev/ in prep

Das Manuskript ”The southern westerlies and local insolation as drivers of Late Quaternary climate variability in eastern South Africa” Miller et al. 2018 ist fertiggestellt und wurde bei dem Journal: „QSR“ eingereicht.“

Das Manuskript ”"ENSO driven extreme tropical cyclone activity in the Indian Ocean over the past 6000 years". Humphries et al. 2018 ist fertiggestellt und wurde bei dem Journal: „Nature Scientific Reports“ eingereicht.“

Das Manuskript ”Using Ftirs As Pre- Screening Method For Detection Of Microplastic In Sediment” ist fertiggestellt und wird vor Projektende bei dem Journal: “Environmental Science and Technology” eingereicht. Autoren: Annette Hahn, Gunnar Gerdts, Carolin Völker, Vincent Niebühr

Das Manuskript ” Shoreface tempestites record Holocene storminess in SW Indian Ocean” ist fertiggestellt und wird kurz nach Projektende bei dem Journal: “ Nature Geoscience ” eingereicht. Autoren: Green, A.N., Cooper, J.A.G., Dixon, S., Loureiro, C., Hahn, A., Zabel, M.

Das Manuskript ”Seismic Stratigraphy Of The Broad, Low-Gradient Continental Shelf Of Southern South Africa” ist fertiggestellt und wird kurz nach Projektende bei dem Journal: “Geo-Marine Letters” eingereicht. Autoren: Cawthra, H.C., Frenzel, P., Hahn, A., Compton, Gander, L., Mollenhauer., G., Zabel, M.

Das Manuskript ”In search of sediment deposits from the Limpopo (Delagoa Bight, Southern Africa) - Deciphering the catchment provenance of coastal sediments"Schüürman and Zabel 2018 ist fertiggestellt und wurde bei dem Journal: „Sedimentary Geology“ eingereicht.“

Assoziierte Artikel

2018 Chase, B., & Quick, L. (n.d.). Influence of Agulhas forcing of Holocene climate change in South Africa’s southern Cape.Quaternary Research,1-7. doi:10.1017/qua.2018.57

2017 Pretorius L., Green, A., Cooper, J.S.G, Sub­merged shoreline preservation and ravinement during rapid post­glacial sea-level rise and subsequent “slowstand”. (2016). GSA Bulletin, 128(7-8), 1059-1069. doi:10.1130/B31381.1

2015 Quick LJ, Meadows ME, Bateman MD, Kirsten KL, Mäusbacher R, Haberzettl T, Chase BM: Vegetation and climate dynamics during the last glacial period in the fynbos-afrotemperate forest ecotone, southern Cape, South Africa. Quaternary International.

2015 Dixon S, Green AN, Cooper A: Storm Swash Deposition On An Embayed Rock Coastline: Facies, Formative Mechanisms, and Preservation. J Sedimentary Res. 85(10):1155-1165.


2017 Xueqin Zhao UB Palynological investigation to vegetation dynamics in western South Africa

2017 Nicole Herrmann UB Sources, transport and environmental signals of plant lipids in southern Africa: implications for paleo-environmental reconstruction

in prog. Stephanie Meschner FSU Micropalaeontological investigations on late Quaternary coastal lakes and estuaries of South Africa

2017 Michael Wündsch FSU Sea level and climate change at the southern Cape coast (South Africa) as inferred from coastal lake sediments

in prog. Nadia du Plessis UCT From land to sea - a palynological investigation into late Holocene palaeoenvironments of the south coast of South Africa

2014 Kelly Kirsten UCT Late Holocene diatom community responses to climate variability along the southern Cape coastal plain, South Africa


Die Masterarbeit von Jan Schüürman wird im Mai 2018 verteidigt und beschäftigt sich mit den geochemischen Signaturen der Delagoa Bay Zuflüsse.

2018 Marianne Bünte FSU Palaeooceanographic investigations on the Limpopo fan, southeastern Africa

2017 Kirsty Sperhott UKZN Ostracoda of St Lucia (eastern coast of South Africa) as proxies of Holocene environmental change

2017 Lauren Pretorius UKZN Submerged shoreline preservation and ravinement during a meltwater pulse and subsequent slowstand

2017 Vanessa Linß FSU Palaeoenvironmental investigations on a sediment core from Verlorenvlei, Western Cape, South Africa with a special focus on anthropogenic influence

2016 Lukas Gander FSU Micropalaeontological investigations on microfaunas from late Quaternary lagoons on the shelf of South Africa

2015 Nadine Gründler FSU Micropalaeontological investigations in the Holocene of Verlorenvlei, Eastern Cape, South Africa

2015 Thomas Leser FSU Palaeoenvironmental investigations on a sediment core from Bo-Langvlei, Southern Cape, South Africa

2015 Robyn Granger UCT Variation in sea surface temperature and terrestrial hydrology in southwest Africa during the late Holocene

2015 Nadia du Plessis UCT 4000 years of environmental and climate change at Eilandvlei - a palynological investigation into the late Holocene palaeoenvironments of the Wilderness Embayment

2014 Martin Kugel UB Holocene variations in elemental an organic compositions of coastal sediments off Soth Africa and its climatic implications

2014 Jens Weiser UB Late Holocene climate variability off south-western Africa as inferred from sediment elemental composition and nonnofossil assemblages

2014 Nina Davtian Univ. Lyon Evaluation of modern n-alkane distributions and compound-specific isotope signals in the Wilderness lake system (Western Cape, South Africa) for paleo-vegetation and paleo-hydrologic reconstruction

State Exams

2015 Sandra Wagner FSU Environmental reconstructions based on sedimentological investigations on a core from Rondevlei, Garden Route National Park, South Africa

2015 Martin Lederer FSU Investigating the distribution of major and trace elements in the surface sediments of Verlorenvlei, Western Cape, South Africa

2015 Thomas Reuß FSU Investigating the distribution of major and trace elements in the surface sediments of Eilandvlei, Garden Route National Park, South Africa

BSc/BSc Hons

Die Masterarbeit von Vincent Niebühr wird im Mai 2018 verteidigt und beschäftigt sich mit den Plastikanteilen in den Flusssedimten und marinen Oberflächenproben die während der RAiN Expeditionen gesammelt wurden.

2018 Matje Lillian Maboya UCT The reservoir effect on the east coast of South Africa (working title)

2016 Moritz J. Rottwinkel FSU Taxonomy and distribution of microfossils from surface sediments of Mossel Bay, South Africa

2015 Sascha Schröder FSU Biogenic silica as paleoclimatic indicator at Eilandvlei, South Africa

2015 Matjie Lillian Maboya UCT Late-Holocene marine radiocarbon reservoir correction for the South East coast of South Africa

2015 Oliver Helten UB Klima- und Vegetationssignale an Lipidbiomarkern im Mudbelt vor der Westküste Südafrikas (in German)

2015 Brigitta Rieger FSU Micropalaeontological investigation of a sediment core from Ruigtevlei, South Africa (in German)

2015 Tim Jakobsmeyer FSU Micropalaeontological investigation of a sediment core from Rondevlei, South Africa (in German)

2014 Katharina Pilgram UB Auswirkung mariner Sedimenntkerne auf den Salinenkrebs Artemia franciscana Ausfahrt M102 (in German)

2014 Jonas Damm FSU Micropalaeontological investigation of a Holocene sediment core from Bolangvlei, South Africa (in German)

2014 Annika Willomeit FSU Micropalaeontological and sedimentological investigations in the Knysna Estuary, South Africa (in German)

2014 Nadine Abramowski FSU Reconstruction of historical environmental changes in Knysna Estuary, South Africa (in German)