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EXC-Recorder: Perturbations


Effects of seafloor carbon emissions on marine carbon cycling

Funded by DFG-Cluster of Excellence 'The Ocean Floor' - Ocean floor as Recorder: Perturbations in the Earth system

PhD student: MSc. Joely Marie Maak




Holocene Hydroclimate and Carbon Cycle Dynamics in the Central Congo Basin

German-French joint project (funded by DFG & ANR)

Postdoc: Dr. Johanna Menges


EXC-Recorder: Perturbations


Influence of fluvial carbon discharge on marine carbon cycling

Funded by DFG-Cluster of Excellence 'The Ocean Floor' - Ocean floor as Recorder: Perturbations in the Earth system

Postdoc: Dr. Vera Meyer


Completed Projects

TRACES - Tracing Human and Climate impacts in South Africa

Funded in the frame of SPACES II (Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa) by BMBF

PhD student: Julia Gensel


MARUM OC2 - Land-ocean interaction and climate variability in low latitudes

Funded by MARUM

PhD student / Postdoc: Christoph Häggi


RAiN II - Re­gional Archives for In­teg­rated iN­vest­ig­a­tions II

Funded in the frame of SPACES (Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa) by BMBF

Postdoc: Dr. Charlotte (Lottie) S. Miller


PASADO Lipids - Southern Patagonian climate during the last 55,000 years: insights from lipid biomarkers and their isotopes

Funded by DFG

PhD student: Katja Hockun


RAiN - Re­gional Archives for In­teg­rated iN­vest­ig­a­tions

Funded in the frame of SPACES (Science Partnerships for the Adaptation to Complex Earth System Processes in Southern Africa) by BMBF

PhD student: Nicole (Herrmann) Burdanowitz


CARIMA - Natural and anthropogenic controls of past monsoon variability in central Asia recorded in marine archives

Funded by BMBF

PhD student: Astrid Contreras-Rosales


Pliocene ABC - Northwest African biomes and climate variability during the Pliocene

Funded by DFG

PhD student: Rony Küchler


Hydracene - A new hydrogen isotope approach to understand North African monsoon changes in the Holocene

Funded in the frame of the SPP Interdynamic by DFG

Postdoc: Dr. Britta Beckmann


Glacial to Holocene history of the tropical rainbelt

Funded by the DFG Research Center FZT15 ‘The Ocean in the Earth System’

PhD student: James Collins


MioC4 - African climate changes during C4 plant evolution and expansion

Funded in the frame of the DFG Research group 'Understanding Cenozoic Climate Cooling (UCCC)'

Postdoc: Dr. Florian Rommerskirchen


Influence of Atlantic Ocean thermohaline circulation on tropical sea-surface temperature and North African climate

Funded by the DFG Research Center FZT15 ‘The Ocean in the Earth System’

PhD student: Eva Niedermeyer


HBFG grant for a gas-isotope mass-spectrometer for compound-specific hydrogen isotope analyses

Funded by DFG


Development of novel molecular-isotopic tracers for the hydrologic cycle

DFG own position for Dr. Enno Schefuß
