1: Active Projects primarily associated with RECORDER Theme 1: Perturbations

2: Active Projects primarily associated with RECORDER Theme 2: Feedbacks

3: Active Projects primarily associated with RECORDER Theme 3: Paleoecosystems and Paleodiversity

Contact PI Theme
PostDoc Marine carbon cycling, biomarker 14C Vera Meyer Enno Schefuß, Gesine Mollenhauer 1
PostDoc Diatoms and Opal Production Oscar Romero Ralf Tiedemann 1
PostDoc High Carbon Dioxide Worlds Heather Jones Ulla Röhl, Heiko Pälike 1
PhD Impacts of hyperthermal events during the early Eocene Bryan Niederbockstruck Ulla Röhl, Heiko Pälike 1
PostDoc Monsoon Dynamics

Martina Hollstein

Mahyar Mohtadi, Matthias Prange 1
PhD Marine temperature variability of the last millenium and robustness of the proxy record

Jannis Viola

Thom Laepple, Kai-Uwe Hinrichs 1
PhD Environmental control on sea-floor gas emissions Sofia Barragán Montilla Stefan Mulitza, Tilman Schwenk 1
PhD Contributions of old carbon from vents and seeps to sedimentary archives Joely Maak Enno Schefuß 1
PostDoc Earth System Sensitivity Mejia Ramirez Luz Ma Heiko Pälike, André Paul 2
PostDoc Determinants of biogenic carbonate flux Shinya Iwasaki Michal Kucera, Heiko Pälike 2
PostDoc Past stability of Greenland Ice Sheet

Johan Faust

Michal Kucera 2
PhD Sea level indicators North Atlantic/Greenland: Last In­ter­gla­ci­al Sea-Le­vel in the Indo-Pa­ci­fic Ba­sin Patrick Boyden Alessio Rovere 2
PhD Bioproductivity in a warmer world Pauline Cornuault Michal Kucera, Torsten Bickert 2
PhD Data Assimilation in Different Models of Complexity for Deglaciation Ahmadreza Masoum Gerrit Lohmann, Martin Butzin 2
PostDoc Biomarkers Lars Wörmer Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Michal Kucera


PostDoc Ancient DNA (aDNA) Raphaël Morard, Christiane Hassenrück Kai-Uwe Hinrichs, Michal Kucera, Eske Willerslev 3
PostDoc Ecology Modelling Marina Costa Rillo Helmut Hillebrand, Michal Kucera 3
PhD Plankton Adaptation Rates Anne Strack Michal Kucera, Helmut Hillebrand, 3
PhD Sensitivity of cold water coral reefs Giovanni Sanna André Freiwald, Dierk Hebbeln 3
PhD Nat­ural and an­thro­po­genic for­cing on mar­ine pela­gic eco­sys­tems Surya Eldo Virma Roza Karin Zonneveld, Michal Kucera, Helmut Hillebrand 3
PhD Climate development in the Pliocene to Holocene in the Red Sea Bhakti Shah Hildegard Westphal, Thomas Felis, Karl-Heinz Baumann 3