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RV Meteor cruise M192-1, BridgeHell, August 2023

in the forest

Mapping of hydrothermal gas emissions offshore Milos, Aegean Sea, and sampling of water column particulates, fluids, gases and sediments.

Chief scientist: Solveig Bühring

Cuvette Congolaise expedition, April-June 2022

in the forest

Sampling of river particulates, river water and bedload sediments in major tributaries of the Cuvette Congolaise and retrieval of peat cores along transects

In cooperation with Dr. Yannick Garcin (IRD, Cerege, France) and Dr. Gael Bouka (Universite Marien Ngouabi, Brazzaville, Republic of Congo)

Congo River expedition, Feb/March 2020

sunset Congo

Sampling of river particulates, river water and bedload sediments along the Congo River mainstem from Mbandaka to Kwamouth

In cooperation with Prof. Hans-Peter Wotzka (University of Cologne, Germany)

Mhkuze expedition, Nov/Dec 2018


Sampling of river particulates, plants, soils and sediments in the Mhkuze wetland system and Lake St. Lucia

In cooperation with Prof. Marc Humphries (Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa)

Mfabeni and Limpopo expedition, March 2017


Sampling of Mfabeni peatland and Limpopo floodplain sediments

In cooperation with Profs. Trevor Hill and Jemma Finch (University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa)

RV Meteor cruise M123, Feb 2016


MA-RAiN - Seismics and sediment coring offshore eastern South Africa and Mozambique

South-east African rivers, March 2015


Sampling suspension particulates of south-east African rivers and wetlands (S-Africa, Mozambique)

Orange River expedition, March/April 2014


Sam­pling sus­pen­si­on par­ti­cu­la­tes and flood de­po­sits of south-west Af­ri­can ri­vers and along the Orange River (S-Af­ri­ca, Na­mi­bia)

In cooperation with Prof. Mike Meadows (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

RV Maria S. Merian cruise 20/3, Feb/March 2012

Balienere Congo

Re­s­pon­se of Ama­zon se­di­men­ta­ti­on to de­fo­re­sta­ti­on, land use and cli­ma­te va­ria­bi­li­ty

RV Meteor cruise 63/1, Jan/Feb 2005

Balienere Congo

Pa­leo­cea­no­gra­phy and Pa­leo­cli­ma­to­lo­gy of the Zam­be­zi and Lim­po­po ri­vers

RV Ma­ri­on Duf­res­ne cruise MD134, Jul/Aug 2003

Balienere Congo

Long Ca­lyp­so co­ring of Af­ri­can tro­pi­cal ri­vers

RV Me­te­or cruise 56B, December 2002

Balienere Congo

Pa­leo­cea­no­gra­phy and Gas­hy­dra­tes of the Con­go deep-sea fan

RV Pel­agia cruise P178, April/May 2001

Balienere Congo

So­ma­li Up­wel­ling and Gulf of Aden Paleoceanography