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Cluster Governance University of BremenResearch Faculty MARUMSpokespersonsOmbudspersonEqual Oportunity RepresentativesPartner institutionsCluster Ocean FloorSteering CommitteeScientific Advisory Board
Governance of the Cluster of Excellence and links to host university and partners.

The Cluster ›The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Un­charted In­ter­face‹ is hosted by the Research Faculty MARUM of the University of Bremen. A lean management structure builds upon the efficient and effective structure of the previous cluster and involves the partner institutions. It includes well-established measures for internal quality assurance.

Decisions in the Cluster are made by the General Assembly, the Project Leader Assembly, the Steering Committee, and the Spokespersons. The Spokesperson (M. Schulz) with Vice Spokespersons (N. Dubilier and K.-U. Hinrichs) have been appointed by the President of the University of Bremen. The Spokesperson formally represent the Cluster within the University as well as in national and international governing bodies. He chairs meetings of all bodies, and is in charge of the daily operative business of the Cluster.

Promotion of equal opportunity in the Cluster is overseen by the Spokespersons. The Steering Committee is responsible for personnel matters, equal opportunity questions, and quality assurance, and oversees the allocation of funds. Its membership comprises the leaders of the Research Units and the Enablers, the head of the Early Career Researchers program, and the Spokesperson.

The Project Leader Assembly consists of the leaders of the individual projects as well as PhD student, postdoc, and non-scientific staff representatives as full members, and is responsible for the scientific program and its strategic development. This body is key to maintaining a flat hierarchy throughout the Cluster and allows bottom-up initiatives to thrive, as its members provide direct interaction with the individual projects.

The General Assembly consists of all scientific members of the Cluster, including doctoral researchers and postdocs, and meets at least once a year and makes suggestions on all matters of the Cluster.

The Ombudsperson of MARUM, who is appointed by the President of the University, also acts on behalf of the Cluster by supporting problem solving in conflicts with regard to safeguarding good scientific practice.