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Ocean Floor Symposium

The Ocean Floor Symposium. Photo: MARUM/ Uni Bremen

In the Framework of the Cluster of Excellence “The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface” hosted by MARUM at the University of Bremen, we organize an international symposium series on ocean-floor processes. The symposium brings together international experts in the field with members of the Cluster, providing a platform for the exchange and discussion of scientific results about ocean-floor processes.

Learn more about the Ocean Floor Symposium here.

The first symposium took place from October 9-12, 2022 at the University of Bremen with the topic “Understanding element fluxes – processes and budgets”. Learn more about it here.


  • (June 2024) A selection of pictures from the Ocean Floor Symposium 2024 can be found here.
  • (May 2024) Check out the poster titles here.
  • (April 2024) The abstracts for the talks are online now.
  • (March 2024) The Speakers of the Ocean Floor Symposium and the preliminary program is online.
  • (August 2023) The Ocean Floor Symposium 2024 will have the topic “Scen­arios for Warmer Worlds: Lessons from the Past” and will take place from May 13-16, 2024 at the University of Bremen