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Language tandems

A language tandem can be a great opportunity to drive away lonleyness or boredom during the Corona lockdown. You can meet your language tandem partner online writing e-mails or having a video chat. Or you could meet and go for a walk and show each other your favourite places in Bremen (just make sure to keep a distance of 1.5m and you'll be fine).

language tandem

The idea of the MARUM language tandems

In a language tandem, two people with different mother tongues meet to improve their knowledge in the language of the other. Since the meetings are alternately held in one of the two languages, both partners should be able to benefit.

Further aims can be to learn more about the culture and homeland of the partner or to compare notes about the other person's work place.

With the language tandems, we would also like to bring together colleagues from different work areas (e.g. administration, technology, labs, science ...).

Placement and support for the language tandems is open to anyone who has a work relationship with MARUM. This explicitly includes staff from associated institutions.


Dr. Christina Klose
+49 421 218-65653
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How does a language tandem work?

Tandem learning is based on two principles:

  1. Reciprocity: both partners should contribute equally to their work together and benefit to the same extent,
  2. Learner autonomy: each partner is responsible for their own language learning, establishing learning goals and deciding on methods and materials.
Prinzip Gleichwertigkeit
The tandem programme starts with 6 meetings. Following these 6 meetings, the tandem partners can decide whether they would like to arrange more meetings, 'try' a new partner or stop the programme.

Both languages should be practiced independently and an equal amount of time should be invested in each language. This means that in 3 of the 6 meetings, one language is practised solely. The person whose mother tongue is being practiced, is responsible for the meeting.

Which language(s) can I learn and/or offer?

The langauge tandem is not limited to the MARUM working languages English and German. You can offer and/or practice any language.

How can I find a tandem partner?

If you would like us to to help you find a tandem partner, please send an e-mail to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript] with the following information:

  • your name
  • your nationality and native language(s)
  • language(s) you would like to offer to your tandem partner
  • language you would like to improve

How do we begin?

Before you start, you should discuss with your tandem partner how you want to arrange your meetings and what you want to talk about. You can use a questionnaire to help with the preparation.

What you should also discuss in advance is in which intervals you want to meet and how much time you would like to invest. It is recommended to have the first two meetings (each held in one of the two languages) in a neutral place, such as a cafe or a room in the University or to meet for a walk.

Meetings with your tandem partner

Language tandems are most successful when both partners talk about their motivations, aims and studying techniques. Every meeting should be carefully prepared and followed up afterwards. The structure of the meetings solely depends on the individual learning targets of each partner (e.g. listening comprehension, verbal expression, grammar, word pool, reading abilities etc.). The partners should also discuss whether and how they would like to be corrected.

You can find some useful information on how to prepare your meetings in the download section.

How much time do I need to invest?

It is recommended to meet on a regular basis with no more than 2 weeks inbetween the meetings. Ideally, tandem partners should meet once a week for the duration of about one hour.

The minimum time you will need to invest is therefore 6 hours plus some time for preparation and follow up work (e.g. questionnaires).

The more time you are willing to invest e.g. in preparation and follow up, the more both partners will benefit from the meetings.

For example, something you can easily do is to meet for lunch once or twice a week.

MARUM language tandem coordination

Dr. Christina Klose
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