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Career Development Workshops for Postdocs

As a postdoc or early-stage group leader, you have already invested a lot of time and effort into research training.

At this point of your career, you will set the course for either following a research track in the future, or for embarking a different path in an academic or in a non-academic field.

With a series of workshops, MARUM and ZMT aim to support you in

  • developing ideas and perspectives,
  • making decisions, and
  • further developing your transferable skills.

You will gain hands-on experience and become familiar with tools you can use to develop your further career.

The career development workshops are organised and offered in cooperation with the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research - ZMT. Our idea is to foster exchange between you and your colleagues at our partner institute.

Workshop Programme 2022

Workshop Programme 2021

Career planning - Identify your competencies 7, 14, 22, 29 June 2021
Leadership and supervision in academia 19 November, 3 + 10 December 2021
Workshop for female scientists:
Self-leadership for female scientists 15 + 17 September 2021