Self-leadership for female scientists

strengthening self-awareness – promoting self-confidence and authenticity

15 +17 September 2021 09.00 - 17.00 MARUM I, room 2070

Dr. Christine Issa

deadline for registration: 6 September 2021

Target group:
Postdocs and early-stage group leaders from MARUM and ZMT who are able and willing to participate in all workshop days (and engage in some tasks in between in the case of the online version)

This workshop aims to support you in enhancing your self-leadership skills by offering reflection and advice and introducing approaches to increase self-awareness.


  • Organising yourself more effectively – emotions, accountabilities, responsibilities
  • Clarifying roles: analysing role-awareness and related expectations
  • Understanding individual coping strategies and communication patterns
  • Reflecting individual resources and resilience strategies
  • Raising self-awareness by professional (self-)marketing