MARUM / GLOMAR Courses 2022

To subscribe to any of the courses listed below, please fill in the respective registration form which can be found on the sub-pages describing the courses.

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Ongoing nature masterclasses online self-learning TS



Course Topic

Lecturer(s) / Trainer(s)

Course Type*

February 16 How to get involved in science communication activities in marine sciences (in Bremen)
online course
Ulrike Prange PE
21, 23, 25 Presentation skills: Oral presentations online and offline
online course
Dr. Philipp Gramlich TS
March 3 Proposal Writing for Natural Scientists
(part 1/4)
online course
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
21 Parenting and academia - managing the mental load
online course
Dr. Desiree Dickerson TS
22 Postdoc Career Development Workshop
Navigating uncertainty in research - mental clarity and decision making
online course
Dr. Desiree Dickerson TS
29 Social Media for Scientists
cancelled due to low demand
Dr. Christina Klose
Jana Nitsch
Ulrike Prange
30 Good Scientific Practice

Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Dr. Christina Klose
April 4-7 Stable Isotopes in Ecology

Dr. Marcus Elvert
Dr. Hannah Marchant
13+19 Scientific writing: from “How to start” to “how to publish”
online course
Dr. Carsten Rohr BSM
May 10 Transcultural understanding and intercultural competence
cancelled due to low demand
Susanne Dranaz TS
19 Graphics in science - How to produce figures to deliver your message
(part 1/3)
Dr. Raphael Morard BSM
August 28 An Introduction to MATLAB
(part 1/4)
cancelled due to low demand
Dr. Alice Lefebvre BSM
September 20-22 An Introduction to Programming in Python Dr. Robert Huber
Dr. Daniel Damaske
November 9 Know your options and find the career path that matches your skills Dr. Gaby Schilling TS
17 Doctoral Thesis Workshop "Lifting off" Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann
Dr. Juliane Müller
22 Doctoral Thesis Workshop "The Final Phase" Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln TS
December 6 Teaching opportunities for early career researchers at MARUM Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln seminar
20 Proposal Writing for Natural Scientists
(part 1 / 4)
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz

*Course categories: BK - Basic Knowledge
BSM - Basic Skills and Methods
TS - Transferable skills
SK - Specific Knowledge
OT - Overarching Topics
PE - Public Engagement / Science Communication