An In­tro­duc­tion to MAT­LAB

Course Schedule

29, 30, 31 August 2022

MARUM I, Room 2070 09.00 - 12.30 hrs.

5 September 2022

MARUM I, Room2060 09.00-12.30 hrs.

Target group

Beginners with no prior experience in using MATLAB.

Tools needed

Participants will need a computer with the MATLAB software installed and running on it.

If you cannot use your current computer for it, you may borrow one from GLOMAR. Please indicate this need in the registration form. Please note that we can make this offer to members of MARUM and GLOMAR only.


The deadline for registration was 25 August 2022.

Any enquiries regarding the course programme should be addressed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].