MARUM / GLOMAR Courses 2021

To subscribe to any of the courses listed below, please fill in the respective registration form which can be found on the sub-pages describing the courses.

Courses written in italics are offered in cooperation with one of our partner institutions.

Any enquiries regarding the course programme should be addressed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].


Jan 2021 - Jan 2022 Nature Masterclass: Scientific Writing and Publishing self-learning TS



Course Topic

Lecturer(s) / Trainer(s)

Course Type*

January 18 - 19 Introduction to SQL
online course
Dr. Raghu Ram Gudipati BSM
February 8 - 11 Advanced Ocean Modelling
online course
Dr. Martin Losch SK
9 Proposal Writing for Natural Scientists
online course
Prof. Dr. Dierk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Michael Schulz
17-18 Video and Online Presentations
online course
interactive workshop by all participants TS
March 15-17
and 22
An Introduction to MATLAB
online course
Dr. Alice Lefebvre BSM
May 5 Open Access Publishing
online event
Lydia Pryce-Jones Info event

A film studio in your pocket - Creating scientific short films with your smartphone
online course
Matthias Süßen PE
18-19 Age Mod­els and Geo­chrono­logy: An In­tro­duc­tion to Dif­fer­ent Age-depth and Mod­el­ling Ap­proaches
online course
Dr. David De Vleeschouwer
Dr. Christian Zeeden
26 Linear Models in R
(day 1/2)
online course
Dr. Valentina Migani BSM
27 Communicating with Journalists
online course
Dr. Jens Kube PE
June 3-4 Doctoral Thesis Workshop "Lifting off"
online course
Prof. Dr. Di­erk Hebbeln
Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehem­ann
Dr. Christina Klose
Dr. Ju­li­ane Müller
23 Good Scientific Practice
online course
Prof. Dr. Di­erk Hebbeln
Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Hehemann
Dr. Christina Klose
July 12-14 Presentation Skills: Oral presentations online and offline
online course
Dr. Philipp Gramlich TS
19-21 Micropaleontological Proxies for Paleoceanographic Reconstructions
online course
Dr. Heather Johnstone
Dr. Lukas Jonkers
September 27-28 Keeping your talk fresh - Storytelling techniques for scientists
cancelled due to low demand
Guido Molina TS
October 8+15 Scientific Writing: From "How to Start" to "How to Publish"
cancelled due to low demand
Dr. Carsten Rohr TS

*Course types: BK - Basic Knowledge
BSM - Basic Skills and Methods
TS - Transferable skills
SK - Specific Knowledge
OT - Overarching Topics
PE - Public Engagement / Science Communication