Linear Model in R

Basic Skills and Methods Course

Dr. Valentina Migani
University of Bremen


26 May + 1 June 2021 09.00 - 14.00 (incl. short breaks)
+ excercises ("homework") in between

Course format

live online, via Zoom

Please note that in our online courses, we expect people to turn on their cameras.


The course will use R and Rstudio as a work platform and interface. Thus, participants need to be familiar with the basics of R and Rstudio.

Quality management

MARUM covers your fees for this course. In return, we expect you to participate in an online evaluation afterwards and provide some detailed feedback about the course and the trainer. Please sign up only if you agree to this commitment.


The deadline for registration was 18 May 2021.

Any enquiries regarding the course programme should be addressed to [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript].