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Namede Ruiter, Peter
StatusPhD Candidate
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InstitutionUniversity of Waiakto

IC39_NZ - The Hydrodynamic Controls on Sedimentation within Tauranga Harbour

Terrestrial sediment fluxes to coastal environments can adversely affect ecosystem functioning and reduce navigability within ports and estuaries. In order to assess the ecosystem state, the flow circulations and sedimentary pathways within estuaries need to be understood. Our research focuses on the physical processes that control the movement and deposition of estuarine sediments within the barrier-enclosed estuarine lagoon of Tauranga Harbour, New Zealand. By combining field data and a numerical modelling study, we explore these sediment pathways and the connectivity in the estuary as a whole, as well as the relationship between hydrodynamics, intertidal morphology and external forcings. more

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2014PhD Student University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
2001 – 2007BSc/MSc Physical Geography
Utrecht University, Faculty of Geosciences
Work Experience
Dec. 2013 – Jun. 2014Dive master internship (3 months)
Oceans 5 dive resort, Gili Air, Lombok, Indonesia
Oct. 2010 – Nov. 2013Geotechnical Consultant Rivers and Coasts
Grontmij Netherlands B.V., department of Coastal and River Systems. (de Bilt, the Netherlands)
Apr. 2010 – Sept. 2010Consultant GIS
Essent NV. (Zwolle, the Netherlands)
Nov. 2008 – Feb. 2010Consultant / Scientific Officer Torridge District Council / North Devon Coast and Countryside Service. (Bideford, United Kingdom)
Apr. 2008 – Oct. 2008Consultant River Levees
Grontmij Netherlands B.V., department of Coastal and River Systems. (de Bilt, the Netherlands)
Feb. 2008 – Apr. 2008Volunteer Marine Conservation
ORCA: Ocean Research and Conservation Africa. (Plettenberg Bay, South Africa)
Jan. 2007 – Jul. 2007Internship
University of Waikato / National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA). (Hamilton, New Zealand)

peer-reviewed publications