Coastal sediment failure and mobilization from in-situ and lab characterization – hazard prediction, engineering use & management implications

Project description:

The classic geotechnical experiments and calculations are based on static loads, but there are natural and man-made sources of time variant loads on soil. Some soils are very weak under time variant loading while they are strong against static loads; this leads sometimes to slope failures and sediment input at the coast. Prominent examples are the liquefaction of the subsoil caused by earthquakes in New Zeeland and the differential settling or tilting of offshore wind power plants in the North Sea. The soils behavior to time variant loads is an intricate function of the soil fabric, which is often disturbed by classical sampling. In this project the soil will be tested by time variant loads in the undisturbed in-situ state with vibratory CPT. A laboratory CPT calibration chamber and cyclic triaxial tests will be used to quantify the in-situ results for risk assessment and foundation design.
  • Determination of shear strength of weak layers under the impact of static and time variant loads using in-situ vibratory CPT and laboratory geotechnical methods (CPT-Calibration Chamber, triaxial testing simple shear tests).
  • Impact assessment of time variant loads on coastal slope stability and the generation of sediment pulses (using additionally inclinometer, piezometer and weather station data)


Proponents:Prof. Dr. Tobias MörzUniversity of Bremen
Dr. Stefan KreiterUniversity of Bremen
:Dr. Vicki MoonUniversity of Waikato
Other:Dr. Gerhard BartzkeUniversity of Bremen
PhD Candidate:Max KlugerUniversity of Bremen


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Report by Research Student: David SeibelTitleSlope stability in Orkdalsfjorden, Norway ...more
Report by Research Students:
Niroshan Gajendra and
Connor Schulze
TitleUndrained shear strength and sensitivity at Bramley Drive ...more