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NameBradley, Monahan
StatusPhD Candidate
Email[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
InstitutionUniversity of Waiakto

IC35_NZ - Shellfish dispersal and population connectivity in large mesotidal estuaries: A comparison of two systems.

Understanding the dispersal characteristics of benthic marine invertebrates is of importance to estimating population connectivity in large meso-tidal estuaries. Many of these systems are generally considered to be well mixed and well flushed and therefore thought to be open to the coast. However, this does not consider the influence of complex morphological features, including position of estuarine islands, sand banks and constricted sub-estuary entrances. It is hypothesised that complex morphology contributes to residual circulation patterns within these systems, thus contributing to complex larval dispersal pathways, increasing within estuary larval retention. To investigate this hypothesis, analysis of water column larval counts for three landward to seaward transects has be undertaken to investigate the community composition and abundances between the upper, mid and lower areas of the southern Tauranga Harbour (New Zealand). more

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2014PhD Student University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
2014BSc. (Hons.) Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
2012BSc. Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Work Experience
Oct. 2012 - July 2013Waikato Regional Council
Sept. 2011 - Oct. 2012Aqualinc Research

peer-reviewed publications