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NameLe Minor, Marine
StatusPhD Candidate
Email[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
InstitutionUniversity of Bremen - MARUM
AddressLeobener Straße
28359 Bremen
Office no.MARUM II / 3050
Phone0049 421 218 65862

Project IC24 - Initiation of motion – marine biological factors controlling sediment stability

The erodibility of marine, coastal sediments is controlled by the hydro-dynamical drivers and sedimentological settings, e.g. mineralogy, grain size distribution and density. In addition, biological factors, e.g. bioturbation, effects of biological cover, etc., play an important role on the re-mobilization behaviour of natural substrates. However, a quantification of stabilizing vs. destabilizing biological processes to sediment stability is largely lacking.
To gain a deeper insight how sediment stability and hence, the coastal ecosystem, changes due to biological factors, we will combine lab flume tank experiments with 3D numerical models (coupling: a Discrete Element and a Finite Difference approach) with high resolution in situ measurements. A better understanding of these micro-scale processes at the fluid-sediment interface will enable a better far-seeing marine environmental planning.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2015PhD student in the INTERCOAST International Research Training Group, University of Bremen, Germany
2012 - 2015Master of Science in Hydrographic Engineering (FIG/OHI Cat. A) at the French Graduate and Post Graduate Engineering School and Research Institute ENSTA Bretagne – National Institute of Advanced Technology – Brest, France
Research Master Degree in Marine Physics specialized in Marine Geophysics at the IUEM – European Institute of Marine Sciences – Brest, France
Professional Experience
03/2015 - 08/2015Final year project at the CEED (Center for Earth Evolution and Dynamics), University of Oslo, Norway