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NameKlepp, Silja Dr.
StatusAlumni (Postdoc)
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Postdoc project: ‘Climate Refugees’ in the Pacific

A research project dealing with ‘climate refugees’ in the Pacific within the INTERCOAST research focus on climate change and flood risks and its strong impacts on coastal areas and islands.

Curriculum Vitae

April 2006 to February 2010International Research Training School “Critical Junctures of Globalization”, University of Leipzig
PhD-project: Asylum at the Border – The European Union’s Policy in the Mediterranean between Border Control and Protection of Refugees (working title), University of Bremen
Fellowship holder of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Founding member of the interdisciplinary network “Migration and Borders” founded in Munich in June 2006
Member of the interdisciplinary network: “The Human Costs of Border Control in the Context of EU Maritime Migration Systems“, Free University of Amsterdam
October 1996 – December 2003Humboldt University, Berlin: Master's degree in Social Anthropology, Subsidiary subjects: Political Science and Italia
Area of specialisation: anthropology of law, globalization issues, international migration and refugees, international co-operation and development, empirical research and methodological questions
Research Experience
April – October 2007Field research in Southern Italy and Malta to learn more about the practices of national and European border security forces handling the phenomenon of irregular migration in the Mediterranean Sea
October - November 2006Field research in Tripoli/Libya to analyse the living and detention conditions of transit migrants and refugees in Libya and the effects of the Italian-Libyan border co-operation
April 2006Research trip to Sicily, Italy funded by the German NGO Pro Asyl to undertake research and write a report on the situation of immigrants and refugees in the Italian sea-border region
June – September 2004I spearheaded an empirical research team in Lusaka, Zambia, to provide information for the Zambian-German technical cooperation project “STEP IN” which was funded by the ASA Programme of InWEnt gGmbH (Capacity Building International, Germany). In an intercultural research team an assessment of possible forms of cooperation amongst informal sector operators was undertaken.
March - August 2002Field research for final thesis: “Arrival and Reception of Refugees in Italy”. Conducted surveys on the situation of refugees in Puglia Region/ southern Italy and in the city of Turin/ northern Italy. Research also included an analysis of the Italian policy in the European process of harmonising migration and refugee law.
September 1998 – April 1999Erasmus Exchange Programme in Naples, Italy: Undertaking of a self-designed empirical research project on the situation of unemployed young people in Naples, their social networking and survival strategies.
Relevant Work Experience
April 2005 to March 2006Responsible for writing a EuropeAid proposal for the 21-02-03 budget line for InWent gGmbH (Capacity Building International) for the European scholarship program GLEN
August 2003 - June 2004Academic assistant and public relations officer at the OECD Berlin Centre
June – October 2000In charge of the OECD stand and OECD-representative at Expo 2000 in Hannover, documentation and evaluation of the OECD’s Expo 2000 public appearance for the head office in Paris.


Klepp, Silja, 2010: Italy and its Libyan Co-operation Programme – Pioneer of the European Union’s Refugee Policy? In: The Implications of Readmission and Enforced Return on Euro-Mediterranean Relations and Beyond, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (ed.), European University Institute. Florenz (forthcoming).

Klepp, Silja, 2010: A Contested Asylum System: The European Union between Refugee Protection and Border Control in the Mediterranean Sea. In: European Journal of Migration and Law 12 (2010), 1–21.

Klepp, Silja, 2009: Notstand auf der Insel? In: Hinterland Nr. 11, 07/2009.

Klepp, Silja, 2008: Negotiating the Principle of Non-Refoulement in the Mediterranean Sea – Missions, Visions and Practices at the Southern Borders of the European Union. Research Academy Leipzig, Working Papers Series No.1, 11/2008.

Klepp, Silja, 2008: Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis. Der Weg der Flüchtlinge von Libyen nach Europa. In: Geographische Rundschau 06/2008, 48-58.

Klepp, Silja, 2008: „Wir sind ein Frontstaat“ – Ansichten aus Malta. In: Tag des Flüchtlings 2008, Pro Asyl (ed.), Frankfurt.

Klepp, Silja, 2007: Ankunft und Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen in Italien. Eine ethnographische Reise an die Grenzen Europas. Saarbrücken.

Klepp, Silja, 2010: Libyen – Partner für den europäischen Flüchtlingsschutz? In: Tag des Flüchtlings 2007. Pro Asyl (ed.), Frankfurt.

Gleitze, Judith/Klepp, Silja, 2006: Zone del ‘non-diritto ’ – Un viaggio sulle tracce dei profughi attraverso l’Italia Meridionale. Rapporto di Judith Gleitze e Silja Klepp, Pro Asyl (ed.), Frankfurt/Rom.

Klepp, Silja/Gleitze, Judith, 2006: Zonen der Rechtlosigkeit – Eine Reise auf der Spur der Flüchtlinge durch Süditalien. Pro Asyl (ed.), Frankfurt.

Klepp, Silja, 2006: Nirgendwo in Süditalien, In: Frankfurter Rundschau/ Dokumentation, 05.07.2006.

Klepp, Silja, 2006: Projekt Flucht und Asyl, c/o Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft Berlin: Handbuch für Lehrer zur Unterrichtsgestaltung zum Thema Asyl. Berlin.

Klepp, Silja, 2005: Mr. Tembo und der Müll – Der informelle Sektor in Sambia zwischen Anerkennung und Ausgrenzung. In: Gossner Mission Informationen 4/2005, Berlin.

Klepp, Silja, 2005: Mr. Tembo and the garbage around. In: the globalist. Washington. URL: (25.12.2005)

Klepp, Silja, 2004: Joining hands in the informal sector and micro-enterprises activities, CISEP publications. Lusaka.