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INTERCOAST PhD Colloquia are organized at least twice a year. These are half-a-day meetings for all INTERCOAST PhD students and research students, in which up to 4 PhD students present the latest update of their research. This meeting aims on motivating the PhD students to evaluate each other’s work in the form of discussion and an anonymous evaluation questionnaire about the topics/presentation. These colloquia provide a forum in which techniques, concepts, results, working hypotheses and further steps are discussed with PhD colleagues from the own field but also from other disciplines.

All PhD students and research students from INTERCOAST and other projects are very welcome to participate.

If you are interested to participate please contact:

Bryna Flaim: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

Gerhard Bartzke: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]

Phil Ross: [Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]