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NameHellmich, Franziska
StatusPhD Candidate
Email[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
InstitutionUniversity of Bremen
AddressLeobener Straße
28359 Bremen
Office NumberMARUM, 2125
Phone0049 (0)421 218 65806

Project IC10_II - Rate-dependent geotechnical testing in areas of marine bedforms and mass transport

Sediment strength is a function of effective stress, which, after the principle of Terzaghi, is dependent on total stress (lithostatic stress and other cohesive forces) and pore (water) pressure. The more the pore pressure increases at constant total stress rates, the more the effective stress decreases.

Curriculum Vitae

04.2011 – 10.2012Geologist, AGUA GmbH, Kiel (Germany)
06.2010 – 08.2010Scientific Assistant, Department of Micropaleontology, University of Kiel (Germany)
2010Diploma in Geology/Paleontology, University of Kiel (Germany)
2006 – 2007Studies of Geology, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal (Brazil)
2006Vordiplom in Geology/Paleontology, University of Kiel (Germany)
2003 – 2010Studies of Geology/Paleontology, University of Kiel (Germany)
2002 – 2003Studies of Meteorolgy, University of Kiel (Germany)


Hellmich, F, Blossier, B, Bryan, KR, Stark, N and Kopf, AJ (2015) In-situ geotechnical investigation of sediment dynamics of embayed beach using a dynamic penetrometer. In: Wang, P, Rosati, JD and Chang, J (eds.) The Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments 2015. World Scientific, 195-208. doi:10.1142/9789814689977_0055

Reusch, A, Loher, M, Bouffard, D, Moernaut, J, Hellmich, F, Anselmetti, FS, Bernasconi, SM, Hilbe, M, Kopf, AJ, Lilley, MD, Meinecke, G and Strasser, M (2015) Giant lacustrine pockmarks with subaqueous groundwater discharge and subsurface sediment mobilization. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(9). 3465-3473. doi:10.1002/2015GL064179