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NameGustafson, Seth
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InstitutionUniversity of Bremen
AdressEnrique-Schmidt-Strasse 7
28359 Bremen
Office NumberSFG Room 2380
Phone+49 (0) 421 / 218-61849


Urbanization in cities and in historically rural areas changes the ways in which people, capital, physical elements, and knowledge are spatially organized, politicized, and managed. My newest research project examines the historical and contemporary issues of the science, management, transportation, and problem of sedimentation in urban rivers of northern Germany and New Zealand. I am interested in understanding how people frame sediment as a problem, who determines the appropriate solutions (including dredging), and the scales at which the problems and solutions are articulated.

Curriculum Vitae

2014 - presentINTERCOAST Postdoc, Bremen, Germany
2009 - 2014Ph.D., Geography, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA, Adivser: Dr. Nik Heynen
2007-2009Master of Arts, Geography, Adviser: Dr. Nik Heynen
December 2006Bachelor of Arts, History, Minor in Philosophy, Grove City College, Grove City, PA, USA,

Previous Positions

2011-2014Research Assistant to the Coweeta Listening Project, part of the Coweeta Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) project. Funded under NSF grant DEB-0823293.
2009-2011Instructor of Record for Introduction to Human Geography and Introduction to Urban Geography. Department of Geography, University of Georgia.
2008-2009Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Human Geography; Resources, Society, and the Environment; and U.S. Cultural Geography. Department of Geography, University of Georgia.


Gustafson, S., N. Heynen, J. Rice, T. Gragson, J. M. Shepherd, C. Strother. (2014). “Megapolitan Political Ecology and Urban Metabolism in Southern Appalachia.” The Professional Geographer. Available online, print version forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2014.905158.

The Revolutionary Picnic Collective. (2013) “Gleaning the Current Conjuncture: Notes from the Third Antipode Institute for the Geographies of Justice.” Antipode. DOI: 10.1111/anti.12019

Gustafson, S. (2013) “Displacement and the Racial State in Olympic Atlanta, 1990-1996.” Southeastern Geographer 53, 2.

Gustafson, S. Doctoral Dissertation. “Urban Political Ecology and The Politics of Exurban Environmental Knowledge in post-2008 Southern Appalachia” The University of Georgia. Athens, GA, USA.

Gustafson, S. Master of Arts Thesis. “Cracks, Reforms, and Bursts in the Violet Air: Social Movement Frames in Olympic Atlanta 1990-1996." The University of Georgia. Athens, GA, USA.