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NameDr. jur. Unterweger, Ingo
StatusAlumni (PhD Candidate)
Email[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
InstitutionUniversity of Bremen
Phone0049 (0)421 218 66079

Project IC12_I - International Law on Tuna Fisheries Management: Is the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission ready for the challenge?

The overall objective of this work was to identify the legal framework for the management of fisheries catching tuna and tuna-like species and to examine whether or not this framework enables the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) to manage its fisheries sustainably. To do this, it was necessary to analyze both the international legal framework of fisheries management and the regional incorporation of its relevant provisions through Regional Fisheries Management Organizations for tuna and tuna–like species (tuna RFMOs), and in particular through the WCPFC.

Curriculum Vitae

10/2002 - 04/2009Universität Konstanz - Diplom in Verwaltungswissenschaft


Unterweger, I (2015) International Law on Tuna Fisheries Management: Is the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission ready for the challenge?. Nomos Verlag, Umweltrechtliche Studien – Studies on Environmental Law, 46