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NameDr. Kohlmeier, Dorothea
StatusAlumni (PhD Candidate)
Email[Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]
InstitutionUniversity of Bremen
AddressLeobener Str.
28359 Bremen
Phone0049 (0)421 218 63045
Office NumberMarine Botany Group FB2, NW 2 / A2190

Project IC7_I

Sedimentation impacts on photosynthetic performance and competitive success of marine macrophytes

Characterising physiological responses of marine macrophytes towards decreased light regimes caused by increased sediment loads were the initial aim of this project. Since seagrasses are the dominant native macrophytes on soft-sediment coasts (Hemminga and Duarte 2000) and as congener seagrass species populate the coasts of New Zealand and Germany it was decided to focus on the ecophysiology of seagrasses.

Curriculum Vitae

2009 - presentPhD candidate at University of Bremen and University of Waikato
2007Erasmus at University of Bergen (Norway)
2002 - 2009Studies of Biology (Diplom) at the University of Bremen, Major: Marine Biology
Work Experience
2009Research Assistant at Runde Environmental Centre, Norway
2005 - 2006Student assistant in “Seaweed Biology” group at Alfred-Wegener-Institute
2001 - 2002Ecological voluntary year (“Freiwilliges ökologisches Jahr”) as a National Park warden at local environmental organization Schutzstation Wattenmeer e.V. in Hörnum/Sylt
Field Work Campaigns
July 2011Field work in List/Sylt
Nov 2010 - May 2011Research stay in New Zealand, including several field work campaigns
May - Aug 2010Field work in List/Sylt
Mar 2010Field work in Tauranga Harbour, Bay of Plenty
May - July 2008Three months field work for diploma thesis (“Physiological responses of understorey algae to the removal of canopy algae in the intertidal zone of Helgoland”)
2006Several weeks on Helgoland, for own student project “Trophic interactions between “Laminaria digitata and mesoherbivores”


Kohlmeier, D, Pilditch, CA, Bornman, JF and Bischof, K (2014) Site specific differences in morphometry and photophysiology in intertidal Zostera muelleri meadows. Aquatic Botany, 116. 104-109. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2014.02.011