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Aug 10, 2017

The 8th annual INTERCOAST Workshop will take place from 21st August to 1st September 2017 in Bremen.


The solicited key note speakers are:

- Hans-Otto Pörtner (AWI Bremerhaven)

- Burghard Flemming (Senckenberg Wilhelmshaven)

- Barend van Maanen (University of Utrecht)

- Ralf Schlothauer (Whio-Innovations)

- Moritz Holtappels (AWI Bremerhaven)

- Till Markus (University of Bremen)

- Gerd Winter (University of Bremen)


International INTERCOAST PhD candidates from the University of Waikato and the University of Bremen will present their latest findings.  


The exact venue details are as follows:

GEO - Building | Faculty of Geosciences
Lecture Hall | Room 1550 | Floor 1
Universität Bremen
Klagenfurter Str. 2-4
28359 Bremen


Please find all details and directions here: