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Family Support

MARUM and the University of Bremen are dedicated to support employees and their families to combine their careers with children and care duties. A family-friendly atmosphere and a wide offer of advice and support is provided to help.

Brochures from the University:


Offers available at the University level are listed on the webpage "Families welcome"

Resources and support for (expecting) parents

"Emergency" (short term need of) childcare care: Die Notfallmamas

Resources and support for employees who are taking care of other family members

Support for doctoral researchers with children

  • Contract extensions for doctoral researchers starting to raise a family during their project term
  • Child-care support during conferences and research placements
  • Student assistants to support parents

Please note that you are not automatically eligible for any of the above-mentioned offers. If you would like to enquire whether the support mesures are suitable in your case, please contact Christina Klose ([Bitte aktivieren Sie Javascript]).

Support especially for mothers


Child care / nursery rooms / changing tables

There are several child-care and nursery rooms available on campus. One of them is in the GEO building and free to use for all MARUM employees (link). Children from six months to 12 years are welcome to play there. The room is equipped with many toys, changing facilities, a comfortable chair for breastfeeding and an internet connection to MARUM intranet. The room is designed to be used during colloquia, classes outside the normal teaching hours, conferences and workshops, or in any occasion when you have to take care of your children on campus. Children must always be under supervision which you have to organise yourself.

The MARUM (main) building is equipped with a changing table. It is in the disabled toilets on the ground floor of MARUM I, in room 0400. Other changing facilities on campus are listed here.

More resources

Support of equal opportunity at MARUM
Women's representatives / equal opportunity commissioners at MARUM
Equal opportunity unit at the University of Bremen: Referat 04 - Chancengleichheit
Representation of severly disabled people: SBV
Staff council (Representation of staff interests) at the University: Personalrat
International office of the university