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Code of Conduct

General Intention

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to identify the core ethical values for conducting research and working together within the MARUM community. This Code of Conduct was developed at MARUM to communicate our common understanding of basic values and rules for respectful cooperation and communication, to provide a productive and safe work environment.

These guidelines apply to everyone, regardless of their level or field of experience, gender or gender identity, age, national origin or nationality, cultural background, religious creed, sexual orientation, family status and health condition.

All MARUM members are encouraged to implement and transmit the values of the Code of Conduct.

General intention

Value of Diversity

Value of Diversity
Value of Diversity
© Birgit Wingrat / Universität Bremen

At MARUM, we recognize and appreciate all dimensions of diversity in our community. We value the unique contributions of staff from varied backgrounds, lifestyles, beliefs, experiences and identities. Diverse working environments favor the open exchange of ideas, perspectives, and methods, and can thereby improve scientific quality, creativity, and innovation.

We strive to develop and maintain a respectful and inclusive working and learning environment. We aim to achieve this welcoming, open-minded and supportive atmosphere through culturally sensitive actions, open communication, accountability, and respect for our values. Inclusive environments will contribute to the strength, engagement and well-being of all MARUM members while we work towards our collective goals in research, training and communicating science to the public.

Further information:

MARUM - International Scientists

University of Bremen, anti-discrimination

University of Bremen, Diversity Management

University of Bremen, Equal Opportunities Unit (German only)

Welcoming Working Conditions

We promote a good work-life-balance. This includes meetings only during regular working hours, taking holidays and no work obligations during weekends, aside from research cruises, field work, or longer-term laboratory experiments.

Support is provided for those with family and other care obligations to the best extent possible.

Principal investigators, supervisors, and scientists in leading positions are role models for practicing a good work-life balance and should discuss with their team members ways of improving working conditions.

Further information:

MARUM as a workplace

Welcoming Working Conditions

Adhering to the Rules of Good Scientific Practice

Research Ethics

Scientific work is founded on basic principles. Honesty towards oneself and others is first and foremost. This ethical standard is the foundation of scientific professionalism, and is referred to as Good Scientific Practice.

Scientists at MARUM are obliged to follow the rules of Good Scientific Practice with respect to the way research is conducted. They are also obliged to train students and junior staff in these principles. We also follow the FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principle of data availability and access.

Further information:

Rules of Good Scientific Practice at MARUM

Research Data Management at MARUM

Career Development

We actively promote career development at all levels by supporting professional training and personal development.

Early-career researchers at the doctoral level are encouraged to enroll in the graduate school GLOMAR to receive training and structured career support. Postdoctoral researchers are supported in their professional development and personal growth.

Career development support is expected from supervisors, mentors, principal investigators and all other scientists in leading positions.

Further information:

Education and Career at MARUM

Career Development

Zero Tolerance for Discrimination and Harassment


Everyone within the MARUM community shall be treated respectfully, equally and fairly.

Specific individual requirements such as different levels of familiarity with the German science system, different levels of experience, various contract situations and family obligations should be taken into consideration in our dealings with and expectations of each other.

Discrimination, mobbing and sexual harassment are under no circumstances tolerated in all working environments, including fieldwork and research cruises.

Further information:

MARUM - Dealing with sexual harassment

MARUM - Dealing with discrimination and harassment